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Showing results 3 to 12 of 12 < previous 
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2014The emerging field of geogenomics: Constraining geological problems with genetic dataBaker, Paul A.; Fritz, Sherilyn C.; Dick, Christopher W.; Eckert, Andrew J.; Horton, Brian K.; Manzoni, Stefano; Ribas, Camila Cherem; Garzione, Carmala N.; Battisti, David S.
2001Evidence for late quaternary aeolian activity in the Roraima-Guyana regionLatrubesse, Edgardo Manuel; Nelson, Bruce Walker
2015Genetic diversity of the swamp rat in South America: Population expansion after transgressive-regressive marine events in the Late QuaternaryQuintela, Fernando Marques; Gonçalves, Gislene Lopes; Bertuol, Fabrício; González, Enrique Manuel; Freitas, Thales Renato Ochotorena de
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2016High proportion of smaller ranged hummingbird species coincides with ecological specialization across the AmericasSonne, Jesper; Martín González, Ana M.; Maruyama, Pietro Kiyoshi; Sandel, Brody S.; Vizentin-Bugoni, Jeferson; Schleuning, Matthias; Abrahamczyk, Stefan; Alarcón, Ruben; Araujo, Andréa Cardoso de; Araújo, Francielle Paulina; Azevedo, Severino Mendes de; Baquero, Andrea C.; COTTON, PETER A.; Ingversen, Tanja Toftemark; Kohler, Glauco; Lara, Carlos; Las-Casas, Flor Maria Guedes; Machado, Adriana Oliveira; Machado, Caio Graco; Maglianesi, María Alejandra; Moura, Alan Cerqueira; Nogués-Bravo, David; Oliveira, Genilda M.; Oliveira, Paulo E.; Ornelas, J. F.; Rodrigues, Licléia da Cruz; Rosero-Lasprilla, Liliana; Rui, Ana Maria; Sazima, Marlies And I.; Timmermann, Allan; Varassin, Isabela Galarda; Wang, Zhiheng; Watts, Stella; Fjeldsã, Jon; Svenning, Jens Christian; Rahbek, Carsten; Dalsgaard, Bo
2009The impact of Quaternary sea level changes on the evolution of the Amazonian lowlandIrion, George F.; Müller, Jens; Morais, Jáder Onofre de; Keim, Gertrud; Mello, Jose Nunes de; Junk, Wolfgang Johannes
2018The influence of late Quaternary sedimentation on vegetation in an Amazonian lowland megafanRossetti, Dilce F.; Gribel, Rogério; Tuomisto, Hanna; Cordeiro, Carlos Leandro de Oliveira; Tatumi, Sônia Hatsue
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2016Late Holocene paleoenvironments of the floodplain of the Solimões River, Central Amazonia, based on the palynological record of Lake CabalianaSá, Natália de Paula; Absy, Maria Lúcia; Soares, Emílio Alberto Amaral
2020Neogene paleoecology and biogeography of a Malvoid pollen in northwestern South AmericaEspinosa, Bruno S.; D'Apolito, Carlos; Silva-Caminha, Silane Aparecida Fda; Ferreira, Marcos Gonçalves; Absy, Maria Lúcia
2019The role of abrupt climate change in the formation of an open vegetation enclave in northern Amazonia during the late QuaternaryZular, André; Sawakuchi, André Oliveira; Chiessi, Cristiano Mazur; D'Horta, Fernando Mendonça; Cruz, Francisco W.; Dematt?, José Alexandre Melo; Ribas, Camila Cherem; Hartmann, Gelvam A.; Giannini, Paulo César Fonseca; Soares, Emílio Alberto Amaral
1995Transformations of nitrogen fertilizers in brazilian amazonia soilsAlfaia, Sonia Sena; Jacquin, Fernand; Guiraud, Gérard