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Showing results 2 to 8 of 8 < previous 
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018Dynamics of forest fires in the southwestern AmazonSilva, Sonaira Souza da; Fearnside, Philip Martin; Graça, Paulo Maurício Lima Alencastro de; Brown, Irving Foster; Alencar, Ane A.C.; Melo, Antonio Willian Flores de
2017Ecological and historical views of the diversification of Geositta miners (Aves: Furnariidae: Sclerurinae)Ribeiro, Vivian; Peterson, Andrew Townsend; Werneck, F. P.; Machado, Ricardo Bomfim
evolution.pdf.jpg2020The evolution of ZorapteraMatsumura, Yoko; Beutel, Rolf Georg; Rafael, José Albertino; Yao, Izumi; Câmara, Josenir Teixeira; Lima, Sheila P.; Yoshizawa, Kazunori
2016The Evolutionary History of Pagamea (Rubiaceae), a White-sand Specialist Lineage in Tropical South AmericaVicentini, Alberto
2015Montane bias in lowland Amazonian peatlands: Plant assembly on heterogeneous landscapes and potential significance to palynological inferenceHouseholder, John Ethan; Wittmann, Florian Karl; Tobler, Mathias W.; Janovec, John P.
2020Neogene paleoecology and biogeography of a Malvoid pollen in northwestern South AmericaEspinosa, Bruno S.; D'Apolito, Carlos; Silva-Caminha, Silane Aparecida Fda; Ferreira, Marcos Gonçalves; Absy, Maria Lúcia
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2011A revision of the distribution of the Ashy-headed Greenlet Hylophilus pectoralis (Passeriformes: Vireonidae), with records of its occurrence in southwestern Minas Gerais and São PauloPacheco, José Fernando; Olmos, Fábio; Macarrão, Arthur; Gagliardi, Ricardo Luís; Parrini, Ricardo; Cohn-Haft, Mario; Braz, Vivian da Silva