Showing results 9 to 16 of 16
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Preview | Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
| 1999 | Morphology of the male genital system of the Bushy-Tailed opossum Glironia venusta Thomas, 1912 (Didelphimorphia, didelphidae) | Nogueira, Julia Carlos; Ferreira da Silva, M. N.; Câmara, Bruno Garzon O. |
| 2012 | Nesting biology of the yellow-olive flatbill (Tyrannidae, Elaninae) in Atlantic Forest Fragments in Brazil | Anciães, Marina; Aguilar, Thais Maya; Leite, Lemuel Olívio; Andrade, Renata Dornelas; Marini, Miguel Ângelo |
| 2015 | Notes on Nest and Chicks of the Guianan Red Cotinga (Phoenicircus carnifex) in Amazonas, Brazil | Gomes, Felipe Bittioli Rodrigues; Leite, Gabriel Augusto; Andretti, Christian Borges |
| 2010 | Population dynamics of Akodon montensis (Rodentia, Cricetidae) in the Atlantic forest of Southern Brazil | Antunes, Pâmela Castro; Campos, Marilena Altenfelder A.; Oliveira-Santos, Luiz Gustavo Rodrigues; Graipel, Maurício Eduardo |
 | 2002 | Reproduction of the estuarine dolphin (Sotalia guianensis) on the coast of Paraná, southern Brazil | Weber Rosas, Fernando Cesar; Monteiro-Filho, Emygdio L.A. |
| 2017 | Reproductive biology of the endangered wattled curassow (Crax globulosa; Galliformes: Cracidae) in the Juruá River Basin, Western Brazilian Amazonia | Leite, Gabriel Augusto; Farias, Izeni P.; Peres, Carlos A.; Brooks, Daniel M. |
| 2002 | Reproductive parameters of Pontoporia blainvillei (Cetacea, Pontoporiidae), on the coast of São Paulo and Paraná States, Brazil | Weber Rosas, Fernando Cesar; Monteiro-Filho, Emygdio L.A. |
| 2016 | Restriction limits and main drivers of fruit production in palm in central Amazonia | Freitas, Cíntia Gomes; Costa, Flávia Regina Capellotto; Barbosa, Carlos Eduardo A; Cintra, Renato |