Browsing by Subject Rio Branco

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Showing results 3 to 5 of 5 < previous 
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021Effects of a major Amazonian river confluence on the distribution of floodplain forest avifaunaLaranjeiras, Thiago Orsi; Naka, Luciano Nicol?s; Leite, Gabriel Augusto; Cohn-Haft, Mario
pibic_inpa.pdf.jpg2014Elementos de Transição nas Águas do Rio Branco e Tributário, RR/BRSilva, Jayse Trindade da
2007A new amazonian species of the frog genus Colostethus (Dendrobatidae) that lays its eggs on undersides of leavesLima, Albertina Pimental; Sanchez, Diego E.A.; Souza, Jesus R.D.