Browsing by Subject Seasonality
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Preview | Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2020 | Diet of an Assemblage of Four Species of Turtles (Podocnemis) in the Rio Uatumã, Amazonas, Brazil | Cunha, Fernando L.R.; Bernhard, Rafael; Vogt, Richard Carl | |
2005 | Diet, habitat selection and natural history of Cacajao melanocephalus ouakary in Jaú National Park, Brazil | Barnett, Adrian Ashton; Castilho, Carol Volkmar de; Shapley, Rebecca L.; Anicácio, Antenor | |
2013 | Disentangling the role of edaphic variability, flooding regime and topography of Amazonian white-sand vegetation | Damasco, Gabriel; Vicentini, Alberto; Castilho, Carolina Volkmer; Pimentel, Tânia Pena; Nascimento, Henrique Eduardo Mendonça | |
2017 | Do dynamic global vegetation models capture the seasonality of carbon fluxes in the Amazon basin? A data-model intercomparison | Restrepo-Coupé, Natalia; Levine, Naomi Marcil; Christoffersen, Bradley O.; Albert, Loren P.; Wu, Jin; Costa, Marcos Heil; Galbraith, David R.; Imbuzeiro, Hewlley Maria Acioli; Martins, Giordane Augusto; Araujo, Alessandro C. da; Malhi, Yadvinder Singh; Zeng, Xubin; Moorcroft, Paul R.; Saleska, Scott Reid | |
![]() | 2017 | Does sex matter? Gender-specific responses to forest fragmentation in Neotropical bats | Rocha, Ricardo; Ferreira, Diogo F.; López-Baucells, Adrià; Farneda, Fábio Z.; Carreiras, João Manuel de Brito; Palmeirim, Jorge Manuel; Meyer, Christoph F.J. |
2014 | Feeding ecology of the amazonian manatee (Trichechus inunguis) in the mamirauá and amanã sustainable development reserves, Brazil | Guterres-Pazin, Michelle G.; Marmontel, Míriam; Weber Rosas, Fernando Cesar; Pazin, Victor F.V.; Venticinque, Eduardo Martins | |
![]() | 2016 | Forest structure along a 600 km transect of natural disturbances and seasonality gradients in central-southern Amazonia | Schietti, Juliana; Martins, Demétrius L.; Emilio, Thaise; Souza, Priscila F.; Levis, Carolina; Baccaro, Fabricio Beggiato; Pinto, José Luiz Purri da Veiga; Moulatlet, Gabriel M.; Stark, Scott C.; Sarmento, Kelly; Araújo, Raquel Nazaré O. de; Costa, Flávia Regina Capellotto; Schöngart, Jochen; Quesada, Carlos Alberto; Saleska, Scott Reid; Tomasella, J.; Magnusson, William Ernest |
2012 | Fruit Removal and Natural Seed Dispersal of the Brazil Nut Tree (Bertholletia excelsa) in Central Amazonia, Brazil | Tuck Haugaasen, Joanne M.; Haugaasen, Torbjørn; Peres, Carlos A.; Gribel, Rogério; Wegge, Per | |
2017 | How do seasonality, substrate, and management history influence macrofungal fruiting assemblages in a central Amazonian Forest? | Komura, Dirce Leimi; Moncalvo, Jean Marc; Sales Dambros, Cristian de; Bento, Larissa S.; Neves, Maria Alice; Zartman, Charles Eugene | |
2021 | Influence of topography gradient and seasonality on primate habitat use in Central Amazonia | Kinap, Natalia Margarido; Nagy-Reis, Mariana B.; Bobrowiec, Paulo Estefano Dineli; Gordo, Marcelo; Spironello, Wilson Roberto | |
![]() | 2016 | Inter-hemispheric and inter-zonal moisture transports and monsoon regimes | Costa, Cláudia Priscila Wanzeler da; Satyamurty, Prakki |
![]() | 2016 | Leaf development and demography explain photosynthetic seasonality in Amazon evergreen forests | Wu, Jin; Albert, Loren P.; Lopes, Aline Pontes; Restrepo-Coupé, Natalia; Hayek, Matthew N.; Wiedemann, Kenia T.; Guan, Kaiyu; Stark, Scott C.; Christoffersen, Bradley O.; Prohaska, Neill; Tavares, Julia Valentim; Marostica, Suelen; Kobayashi, Hideki; Lamano-Ferreira, Mauricio; Campos, Kleber Silva; Dda Silva, Rodrigo; Brando, Paulo Monteiro; Dye, Dennis G.; Huxman, Travis E.; Huete, Alfredo Ramon; Nelson, Bruce Walker; Saleska, Scott Reid |
2016 | Leaf flush drives dry season green-up of the Central Amazon | Lopes, Aline Pontes; Nelson, Bruce Walker; Wu, Jin; Graça, Paulo Maurício Lima Alencastro de; Tavares, Julia Valentim; Prohaska, Neill; Martins, Giordane Augusto; Saleska, Scott Reid | |
![]() | 2018 | Leaf phenology as one important driver of seasonal changes in isoprene emissions in central Amazonia | Alves, Eliane Gomes; Tóta, Júlio; Turnipseed, Andrew A.; Guenther, Alex B.; Vega Bustillos, José Oscar W.; Santana, Raoni Aquino Silva de; Cirino, Glauber G.; Tavares, Julia Valentim; Lopes, Aline Pontes; Nelson, Bruce Walker; Souza, Rodrigo Augusto Ferreira de; Gu, Dasa; Stavrakou, Trissevgeni; Adams, David K.; Wu, Jin; Saleska, Scott Reid; Manzi, Antônio Ocimar |
2014 | Mechanisms of water supply and vegetation demand govern the seasonality and magnitude of evapotranspiration in Amazonia and Cerrado | Christoffersen, Bradley O.; Restrepo-Coupé, Natalia; Arain, Muhammad Altaf; Baker, Ian T.; Cestaro, Bruno P.; Ciais, Philippe; Fisher, Joshua B.; Galbraith, David R.; Guan, Xiaodan; Gulden, Lindsey E.; Van Den Hurk, B. J.J.M.; Ichii, Kazuhito; Imbuzeiro, Hewlley Maria Acioli; Jain, Atul K.; Levine, Naomi Marcil; Miguez-Macho, Gonzalo; Poulter, Benjamin; Roberti, Débora Regina; Sakaguchi, Koichi; Sahoo, Alok Kumar; Schaefer, Kevin M.; Shi, Mingjie; Verbeeck, Hans; Yang, Zongliang; Araüjo, Alessandro Carioca de; Kruijt, Bart J.; Manzi, Antônio Ocimar; Rocha, Humberto Ribeiro da; Randow, Celso Von; Muza, Michel Nobre; Borak, Jordan S.; Costa, Marcos Heil; Gonçalves, Luis Gustavo de; Zeng, Xubin; Saleska, Scott Reid | |
![]() | 2020 | Novel Representation of Leaf Phenology Improves Simulation of Amazonian Evergreen Forest Photosynthesis in a Land Surface Model | Chen, Xiuzhi; Maignan, Fabienne; Viovy, Nicolas; Bastos, Ana; Goll, Daniel S.; Wu, Jin; Liu, Liyang; Yue, Chao; Peng, Shushi; Yuan, Wenping; Conceição, Adriana Castro da; O'Sullivan, Michael; Ciais, Philippe |
2017 | Pairing Quantitative and Qualitative Analyses during Flooding Event in Mamiá Lake (Amazon River) | A., Karla K.; Monteiro, Josedec M. F.; Darwich, Assad José; Aprile, Fabio | |
2012 | Parental care in the dwarf caiman, Paleosuchus palpebrosus Cuvier, 1807 (Reptilia: Crocodilia: Alligatoridae) | Campos, Zilca M.S.; Sanaiotti, Tânia Margarete; Muniz, Fábio L.; Farias, Izeni P.; Magnusson, William Ernest | |
2016 | Quality of the Solimões River water for domestic use by the riverine community situated in Manacapuru-Amazonas-Brazil | Pantoja, N. G.P.; Castro, L. M.; Rocha, S. D.; Silva, J. A.; Ribeiro, J. S.P.; Donald, A. R.; Silva, L. M.; Oliveira, Tereza Cristina de Souza | |
2013 | A quick look at the 2012 record flood in the Amazon Basin | Satyamurty, Prakki; Costa, Cláudia Priscila Wanzeler da; Manzi, Antônio Ocimar; Cândido, Luiz Antônio |