Browsing by Subject South America, Amazonia

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Showing results 21 to 34 of 34 < previous 
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1989Litter production and mineral element input to the forest floor in a Central Amazonian forestLuizão, Flávio Jesus
1991The Lizards of Balbina, Central Amazonia, Brazil: A Qualitative Analysis of Resource UtilizationMartins, Marcio
1988The measurement and modelling of rainfall interception by Amazonian rain forestLloyd, Colin R.; Gash, John H.C.; Shuttleworth, William James; De, A.
1997Nutrient dynamics of the highly productive C4 macrophyte Echinochloa polystachya on the Amazon floodplainPiedade, Maria Teresa Fernandez; Junk, Wolfgang Johannes; Long, Stephen Patrick
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg1992Occurrence of nodulation in legume species in the Amazon region of BrazilMoreira, Fátima Maria de Souza; Silva, Marlene Freitas da; Sérgio Miana, Faria de
1998Patterns of genetic population differentiation in four species of Amazonian frogs: A test of the riverine barrier hypothesisGascon, Claude; Lougheed, Stephen C.; Bogart, James P.
1991Predation and the evolution of complex oviposition behaviour in Amazon rainforest frogsMagnusson, William Ernest; Hero, Jean Marc
1989Primate species richness in relation to habitat structure in Amazonian rainforest fragmentsSchwarzkopf, Lin; Rylands, Anthony B.
1990The Rate and Extent of Deforestation in Brazilian AmazoniaFearnside, Philip Martin
1992Seasonal variation of soil microbial biomass-The effects of clearfelling a tropical rainforest and establishment of pasture in the central AmazonLuizâo, Regina Celi Costa; Bonde, Torben Andreas; Rosswall, Thomas
1997Seed and seedling survival of the palm Astrocaryum murumuru and the legume tree Dipteryx micrantha in gaps in Amazonian forestSobral Cintra, R. J. de; Horna, Viviana
1990Spatial organization and population density of the fish community of the litter banks within a central Amazonian blackwater streamHenderson, Peter A.; Walker, Ilse
1989Suspended sediment load in the Amazon basin: An overviewMartinelli, Luiz Antônio; Victória, Reynaldo Luiz; Devol, Allan H.; Richey, Jeffrey E.; Forsberg, Bruce Rider
1990Tree densities and sex ratios in breeding populations of dioecious central amazonian myristicaceaeAckerly, David D.