Browsing by Subject Spermatozoon

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Showing results 2 to 7 of 7 < previous 
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2014Comparative morphology of spermatozoa and reproductive systems of zorapteran species from different world regions (Insecta, Zoraptera)Dallai, Romano; Gottardo, Marco; Mercati, David; Machida, Ryuichiro; Mashimo, Yuta; Matsumura, Yoko; Rafael, José Albertino; Beutel, Rolf Georg
2019Duration of spermatogenesis and identification of spermatogonial stem cell markers in a Neotropical catfish, Jundiá (Rhamdia quelen)Lacerda, Samyra Maria Santos N.Nassif; Martinez, Emanuel Ricardo Monteiro; Mura, I. L.D.D.; Doretto, Lucas B.; Costa, Guilherme M.J.; Silva, Martinho de Almeida E.; Digmayer, Melanie; N?brega, Rafael Henrique; França, Luiz Renato de
2018Higher environmental temperatures promote acceleration of spermatogenesis in vivo in mice (Mus musculus)Costa, Guilherme M.J.; Lacerda, Samyra Maria Santos N.Nassif; Figueiredo, Andre´ Felipe Almeida; Leal, Marcelo Castro; Rezende-Neto, José V.; França, Luiz Renato de
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2017Morphology and Ultrastructure of the Amazon River Dolphin (Inia geoffrensis) SpermatozoaAmaral, Rodrigo S.; Silva, Vera Maria Ferreira da; Valdez Domingos, Fab?ola Xochilt; Martin, Anthony Richard
2018Sperm abnormalities in matrinxã Brycon amazonicus after hormonal treatment with carp pituitary extract and Ovaprim™Oliveira, Rosilane Gomes Souza de; Oliveira, Arley Faria José de; Villacorta-Corrêa, Marle Angélica
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2016Successful xenogeneic germ cell transplantation from Jundia catfish (Rhamdia quelen) into adult Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) testesSilva, Martinho de Almeida E.; Costa, Guilherme M.J.; Lacerda, Samyra Maria Santos N.Nassif; Brandão-Dias, Pedro Ferreira Pinto; Kalapothakis, Evanguedes; Silva Júnior, Alaion Fonseca da; Alvarenga, Érika Ramos de; França, Luiz Renato de