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Preview | Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
| 2020 | Diet of an Assemblage of Four Species of Turtles (Podocnemis) in the Rio Uatumã, Amazonas, Brazil | Cunha, Fernando L.R.; Bernhard, Rafael; Vogt, Richard Carl |
| 2006 | Diet of Podocnemis unifilis (Testudines, Podocnemididae) during the dry season in the Mamirauá Sustainable Development Reserve, Amazonas, Brazil | Balensiefer, Deisi Cristiane; Vogt, Richard Carl |
| 1997 | Diet of the turtle Phrynops rufipes in central Amazonia | Lima, Aldeniza Cardoso de; Magnusson, William Ernest; Costa, Valdenise Lopes da |
| 2019 | Don't put all your eggs in one basket – Lessons learned from the largest-scale and longest-term wildlife conservation program in the Amazon Basin | Eisemberg, Carla Camilo; Vogt, Richard Carl; Balestra, Rafael Antônio M.; Reynolds, Stephen J.; Christian, Keith A. A. |
 | 1998 | Eimeria peltocephali n. sp., (Apicomplexa:Eimeriidae) from the Freshwater Turtle Peltocephalus dumerilianus (Chelonia:Pelomusidae) and Eimeria molossi n. sp., from the Bat, Molossus ater (Mammalia: Chiroptera) | Lainson, Ralph; Naiff, Roberto Daibes |
| 1998 | Esophageal papillae in pelomedusid turtles | Vogt, Richard Carl; Sever, David M.; Moreira, Glória Soares |
| 2007 | Estimate of trade traffic of Podocnemis (testudines, pedocnemididae) from the Middle Purus River, Amazonas, Brazil | Kemenes, Alexandre; Pezzuti, Juarez Carlos Brito |
| 2015 | An evaluation of the use of reptile dermal scutes as a non-invasive method to monitor mercury concentrations in the environment | Schneider, Larissa; Eggins, Sam; Maher, William A.; Vogt, Richard Carl; Krikowa, Frank; Kinsley, Leslie P.J.; Eggins, Stephen M.; Silveira, Ronis da |
| 2003 | Experimental assessment of turtle predation on larval anurans | Gómez-Mestre, Iván; Keller, Claudia |
| 2017 | First evidence of the pig-nosed turtle (Carettochelys insculpta) vocalizing underwater | Ferrara, Camila Rudge; Vogt, Richard Carl; Eisemberg, Carla Camilo; Doody, Jean Sean |
| 2014 | First Evidence that Hatchlings of Chelonia mydas Emit Sounds | Ferrara, Camila Rudge; Mortimer, Jeanne A.; Vogt, Richard Carl |
| 1991 | Geographic Distribution, Testudines: Podocnemis Erythrocephala (tracajá Piranga) | Vogt, Richard; Marques, A; Rebêlo, George Henrique; Moreira, Glória; Fachin, Augusto; Gasnier, Thierry; Silveira, Ronis da; Mann, Barbara; Raposo, José Carlos P; Armond, Pierre |
 | 2012 | Herpetofauna of the Reserva Extrativista do Rio Gregório, Juruá Basin, southwest Amazonia, Brazil | Pantoja, Davi Lima; Fraga, Rafael de |
| 2011 | History of turtle exploitation and management techniques to conserve turtles in the Rio Negro Basin of the Brazilian Amazon | Schneider, Larissa; Ferrara, Camila Rudge; Vogt, Richard Carl; Burger, Joanna |
| 1994 | Incubation temperature influences sex and hatchling size in the neotropical turtle Podocnemis unifilis | Souza, R. R. de; Vogt, Richard Carl |
| 2009 | The influence of temperature on the feeding behavior of Peltocephalus dumerilianus (Testudines Podocnemidae) | la Ossa, Jaime de; Vogt, Richard Carl; Schneider, Larissa; la Ossa, Alejandro de |
| 2021 | A large scale analysis of threats to the nesting sites of Podocnemis species and the effectiveness of the coverage of these areas by the Brazilian Action Plan for Amazon Turtle Conservation | Fagundes, Camila Kurzmann; Fath, Franciele; Côrtes, Lara Gomes; Uhlig, Vívian Mara; Andrade, Paulo C.M.; Vogt, Richard Carl; Pezzuti, Juarez Carlos Brito; de Marco Júnior, Paulo |
| 2020 | The life history of the yellow-spotted amazon river turtle (Podocnemis unifilis) as told from the nests | Erickson, José; Farias, Izeni P.; Zuanon, Jansen |
| 2009 | Mercury bioacumulation in four tissues of Podocnemis erythrocephala (Podocnemididae: Testudines) as a function of water parameters | Schneider, Larissa; Belger, Lauren; Burger, Joanna; Vogt, Richard Carl |
| 2010 | Mercury levels in muscle of six species of turtles eaten by people along the Rio Negro of the Amazon basin | Schneider, Larissa; Belger, Lauren; Burger, Joanna; Vogt, Richard Carl; Ferrara, Camila Rudge |