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Showing results 15 to 28 of 28 < previous 
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018Local dynamic variation of lianas along topography maintains unchanging abundance at the landscape scale in central AmazoniaGerolamo, Caian Souza; Nogueira, Anselmo; Costa, Flávia Regina Capellotto; Castilho, Carolina Volkmer de; Angyalossy, Veronica
2005Mesoscale distribution patterns of Amazonian understorey herbs in relation to topography, soil and watershedsCosta, Flávia Regina Capellotto; Magnusson, William Ernest; Luizâo, Regina Celi Costa
2006Mesoscale gradients of herb richness and abundance in central AmazoniaCosta, Flávia Regina Capellotto
2007Modeling large-scale inundation of Amazonian seasonally flooded wetlandsWilson, Matthew D.; Bates, Paul; Alsdorf, Douglas E.; Forsberg, Bruce Rider; Horritt, Matthew S.; Melack, John M.; Frappart, Frédéric; Famiglietti, James S.
2013Spatial scale or amplitude of predictors as determinants of the relative importance of environmental factors to plant community structurePansonato, Marcelo Petratti; Costa, Flávia Regina Capellotto; Castilho, Carolina Volkmer de; Carvalho, Fernanda Antunes; Zuquim, Gabriela
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2015Structural dynamics of tropical moist forest gapsHunter, Maria O.; Keller, Michael; Morton, Douglas C.; Cook, Bruce Douglas; Lefsky, Michael Andrew; Ducey, Mark J.; Saleska, Scott Reid; Oliveira, Raimundo Cosme de; Schietti, Juliana; Zang, Runguo
2018Subtle changes in elevation shift bat-assemblage structure in Central AmazoniaCapaverde, Ubirajara Dutra; Pereira, Lucas Gabriel do Amaral; Tavares, Valéria da C.; Magnusson, William Ernest; Baccaro, Fabricio Beggiato; Bobrowiec, Paulo Estefano Dineli
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2021The relative and joint effect of rivers and urban area on a squall line in the Central AmazoniaSátyro, Zayra Christine; Farias, Carla; Cândido, Luiz Antônio; Veiga, José Augusto Paixão
2019Thirty years after Balbina Dam: Diversity and floristic composition of the downstream floodplain forest, Central Amazon, BrazilRocha, Maíra da; Assis, Rafael Leandro de; Piedade, Maria Teresa Fernandez; Feitosa, Yuri Oliveira; Householder, John Ethan; Lobo, Guilherme de Sousa; Demarchi, Layon Oreste; Albuquerque, Bianca Weiss; Quaresma, Adriano Costa; Ramos, José Ferreira; Schöngart, Jochen; Wittmann, Florian Karl
2007Topographic and edaphic effects on the distribution of terrestrially reproducing anurans in Central Amazonia: Mesoscale spatial patternsMenin, Marcelo; Lima, Albertina Pimental; Magnusson, William Ernest; Waldez, Fabiano
2012Topographic separation of two sympatric palms in the central Amazon - does dispersal play a role?Freitas, Cíntia Gomes de; Costa, Flávia Regina Capellotto; Svenning, Jens Christian; Balslev, Henrik
2012Tree mode of death in Central Amazonia: Effects of soil and topography on tree mortality associated with storm disturbancesToledo, Jos? Julio; Magnusson, William Ernest; Castilho, Carolina Volkmer; Nascimento, Henrique Eduardo Mendonça
2013Tree seedling recruitment in Amazon secondary forest: Importance of topography and gap micro-site conditionsBentos, Tony Vizcarra; Nascimento, Henrique Eduardo Mendonça; Williamson, G. Bruce
2006Variation in aboveground tree live biomass in a central Amazonian Forest: Effects of soil and topographyCastilho, Carolina Volkmer de; Magnusson, William Ernest; Araújo, Raquel Nazaré O. de; Luizâo, Regina Celi Costa; Luizão, Flávio Jesus; Lima, Albertina Pimental; Higuchi, Niro