Browsing by Subject Trace Element

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Showing results 2 to 4 of 4 < previous 
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2016Micronutrient deficiencies and plasmodium vivax malaria among children in the Brazilian AmazonBenzecry, Silvana Gomes; Alexandre, Márcia Almeida A.Araújo; Vítor-Silva, Sheila; Salinas, Jorge L.; Melo, Gisely Cardoso de; Marinho, Helyde Albuquerque; Paes, Angela Tavares; Siqueira, Andre M.; Monteiro, Wuelton Marcelo; Lacerda, Marcus V. G.; Leite, Heitor Pons
2019Trace elements and microbiological parameters in farmed Nile tilapia with emphasis on muscle, water, sediment and feedSteckert, Lilian Dordete; Furtado, William Eduardo; Jerônimo, Gabriela Tomas; Pereira, Scheila Anelise; Jesus, G. F.A.; Mouriño, José Luiz Pedreira; Martins, Maurício Laterça
2020What influences upland soil chemistry in the Amazon basin, Brazil? Major, minor and trace elements in the upper rhizosphereMatschullat, J.; Martins, Gilvan Coimbra; Enzweiler, Jacinta; F von Fromm, Sophie F.; Leeuwen, Johannes Van; Lima, Roberval Monteiro Bezerra de; Schneider, Mauana; Zurba, Kamal