Browsing by Subject Trees
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Preview | Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2016 | Landscape-scale consequences of differential tree mortality from catastrophic wind disturbance in the Amazon | Rifai, Sami Walid; Urquiza-Mu?oz, Jos? D.; Negrón-Juárez, Robinson I.; Ramirez Arevalo, Fredy Francisco; Rodil, Tello-espinoza,; Vanderwel, Mark C.; Lichstein, Jeremy W.; Chambers, Jeffrey Quintin; Bohlman, Stephanie Ann | |
2007 | A large-scale deforestation experiment: Effects of patch area and isolation on Amazon birds | Ferraz, Gonçalo; Nichols, James D.; Hines, James E.; Stouffer, Philip C.; Bierregaard, Richard O.; Lovejoy, Thomas E. | |
![]() | 2014 | Large-scale wind disturbances promote tree diversity in a Central Amazon forest | Marra, Daniel Magnabosco; Chambers, Jeffrey Quintin; Higuchi, Niro; Trumbore, Susan Elizabeth; Ribeiro, Gabriel Henrique Pires de Mello; Santos, Joaquim dos; Negrón-Juárez, Robinson I.; Reu, Björn; Wirth, Christian B. |
![]() | 2001 | Leaf gas exchange and carbohydrates in tropical trees differing in successional status in two light environments in central Amazonia | Marenco, Ricardo Antonio; Gonçalves, José Francisco de Carvalho; Vieira, Gil |
2015 | The linkages between photosynthesis, productivity, growth and biomass in lowland Amazonian forests | Malhi, Yadvinder Singh; Doughty, Christopher E.; Goldsmith, Gregory R.; Metcalfe, Daniel B.; Girardin, Cécile A.J.; Marthews, Toby R.; Del Águila Pasquel, Jhon; Aragao, L. E.O.C.; Araujo-Murakami, Alejandro; Brando, Paulo Monteiro; Costa, Antônio Carlos Lôla da; Silva-Espejo, Javier Eduardo; Farfán-Amézquita, Filio F.; Galbraith, David R.; Quesada, Carlos Alberto; Rocha, Wanderley; Salinas, Norma; Silvério, Divino Vicente; Meir, Patrick W.; Phillips, Oliver L. | |
2015 | Linking canopy leaf area and light environments with tree size distributions to explain Amazon forest demography | Stark, Scott C.; Enquist, Brian J.; Saleska, Scott Reid; Leitold, Veronika; Schietti, Juliana; Longo, Marcos; Alves, Luciana Ferreira; Camargo, Plínio Barbosa de; Oliveira, Raimundo Cosme | |
2020 | Litter and soil biogeochemical parameters as indicators of sustainable logging in Central Amazonia | Bomfim, Barbara; Silva, Lucas de Carvalho Ramos; Pereira, Reginaldo Sérgio; Gatto, Alcides; Emmert, Fabiano; Higuchi, Niro | |
![]() | 2018 | Living on borrowed time – Amazonian trees use decade-old storage carbon to survive for months after complete stem girdling | Muhr, Jan; Trumbore, Susan Elizabeth; Higuchi, Niro; Kunert, Norbert |
2014 | Long-term changes in liana abundance and forest dynamics in undisturbed Amazonian forests | Laurance, William F.; Andrade, Ana C.S.; Magrach, Ainhoa; Camargo, José Luís Campana; Valsko, Jefferson José; Campbell, Mason J.; Fearnside, Philip Martin; Edwards, Will; Lovejoy, Thomas E.; Laurance, Susan G.W. | |
2015 | Long-term decline of the Amazon carbon sink | Brienen, Roel J.W.; Phillips, Oliver L.; Feldpausch, Ted R.; Gloor, Manuel E.; Baker, Timothy R.; Lloyd, Jon; Lopez-Gonzalez, Gabriela; Monteagudo-Mendoza, Abel; Malhi, Yadvinder Singh; Lewis, Simon L.; Vásquez-Martínez, Rodolfo; Alexiades, Miguel N.; Alvarez, Esteban; Álvarez-Loayza, Patricia; Andrade, Ana C.S.; Aragao, L. E.O.C.; Araujo-Murakami, Alejandro; Arets, Eric J.M.M.; Arroyo, Luzmila P.; Aymard-C, Gerardo A.; Bánki, Olaf S.; Baraloto, Christopher; Barroso, Jorcely; Bonal, Damien; Boot, René G.A.; Camargo, José Luís Campana; Castilho, Carolina Volkmer; Moscoso, Victor Chama; Chao, Kuo Jung; Chave, Jérôme; Comiskey, James A.; Cornejo-Valverde, Fernando; Costa, Lola da; Oliveira, Eddie Lenza de; Di Fiore, Anthony; Erwin, Terry L.; Fauset, Sophie; Forsthofer, Mônica; Galbraith, David R.; Grahame, E. S.; Groot, Nikée E.; Hérault, Bruno; Higuchi, Niro; Honorio Coronado, Euridice N.; Keeling, Helen C.; Killeen, Timothy J.; Laurance, William F.; Laurance, Susan G.W.; Licona, Juan Carlos; Magnussen, W. E.; Marimon, Beatriz Schwantes; Marimon Júnior, Ben Hur; Mendoza, Casimiro; Neill, David A.; Nogueira, Euler Melo; Núñez, Percy V.; Pallqui Camacho, Nadir Carolina; Parada, Alexander G.; Pardo-Molina, Guido; Peacock, Julie; Pena-Claros, Marielos; Pickavance, Georgia C.; Pitman, Nigel C.A.; Poorter, L.; Prieto, Adriana; Quesada, Carlos Alberto; Ramirez Arevalo, Fredy Francisco; Ramírez-Angulo, Hirma; Restrepo, Zorayda; Roopsind, Anand; Rudas, Agustín; Salomão, Rafael Paiva; Schwarz, Michael; Silva, Natalino; Silva-Espejo, Javier Eduardo; Silveira, Marcos; Stropp, Juliana; Talbot, Joey; ter Steege, H.; Teran-Aguilar, J.; Terborgh, John W.; Thomas-Caesar, Raquel; Toledo, Marisol; Torello-Raventos, Mireia; Umetsu, Ricardo Keichi; Van Der Heijden, Geertje M.F.; van der Hout, Peter; Guimarães Vieira, Ima Cèlia; Vieira, Simone Aparecida; Vilanova, Emilio; Vos, Vincent A.; Zagt, Roderick J. | |
2006 | Long-term landscape change and bird abundance in Amazonian rainforest fragments | Stouffer, Philip C.; Bierregaard, Richard O.; Strong, Cheryl M.; Lovejoy, Thomas E. | |
2019 | Massive tree mortality from flood pulse disturbances in Amazonian floodplain forests: The collateral effects of hydropower production | Resende, Angélica Faria de; Schöngart, Jochen; Streher, Annia Susin; Ferreira-Ferreira, Jefferson; Piedade, Maria Teresa Fernandez; Silva, Thiago Sanna Freire | |
![]() | 2019 | Measures for sustainable forest management in the tropics – A tree-ring based case study on tree growth and forest dynamics in a Central Amazonian lowland moist forest | Worbes, Martin; Schöngart, Jochen |
![]() | 2006 | A medium-spatial scale distribution pattern of pseudoscorpionida (arachnida) in a gradient of topography (altitude and inclination), soil factors, and litter in a central Amazonia forest reserve, Brazil | Aguiar, Nair Otaviano; Gualberto, Tomaz L.; Franklin, E. |
2012 | Microsatellite primers for an Amazonian lowland tropical tree, Protium subserratum (Burseraceae) | Misiewicz, Tracy M.; Barbosa, Carlos Eduardo A; Van Antwerp Fine, Paul | |
![]() | 2015 | Modeling occupancy of hosts by mistletoe seeds after accounting for imperfect detectability | Fadini, Rodrigo F.; Cintra, Renato |
2020 | Modeling of tree height–diameter relationships in the atlantic forest: Effect of forest type on tree allometry | Cysneiros, Vinícius Costa; Pelissari, Allan Libanio; Gaui, Tatiana Dias; Fiorentin, Luan Demarco; Carvalho, Daniel Costa de; Silveira Filho, Telmo Borges; Machado, Sebastião do Amaral | |
![]() | 2005 | Monitoring genetic diversity in tropical trees with multilocus dominant markers | Kremer, Antoine; Caron, Henri; Cavers, Stephen; Colpaert, Nathalie; Gheysen, Godelieve D.R.; Gribel, Rogério; Lemes, Maristerra R.; Lowe, Andrew J.; Margis, Rogério; Navarro, Carlos Manuel; Salgueiro, Fabiano |
2011 | Mosquito (Diptera: Culicidae) diversity of a forest-fragment mosaic in the Amazon rain forest | Hutchings, Rosa Sá Gomes; Sallum, Maria Anice Mubeb; Hutchings, Roger William | |
![]() | 2015 | Near infrared spectroscopy facilitates rapid identification of both young and mature Amazonian tree species | Lang, Carla; Costa, Flávia Regina Capellotto; Camargo, José Luís Campana; Durgante, Flávia Machado; Vicentini, Alberto |