Browsing by Subject Candida Parapsilosis

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Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2014Antifungal activity of synthetic naphthoquinones against dermatophytes and opportunistic fungi: Preliminary mechanism-of-action testsFerreira, Maria do Perpétuo Socorro Borges Carriço; Cardoso, M. F.C.; Silva, F. C. da; Ferreira, V?tor Francisco; Lima, Emerson Silva; Souza, João Vicente Braga de
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2010Identification of fungemia agents using the polymerase chain reaction and restriction fragment length polymorphism analysisSantos, Mayara S.; Souza, Érica Simplício de; Junior, R. M.S.; Talhari, Sine?io; Souza, João Vicente Braga de
1984Mycoflora of the human dermal surfacesMok, Waiyin; Silva, M. S.B. da
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2015PCR-RFLP as a useful tool for diagnosis of invasivemycoses in a healthcare facility in the North of BrazilSousa, Diego Rayan Teixeira de; Silva Santos, Carla Silvana da; Wanke, Bodo; Silva, Roberto Moreira da; dos Santos, Marcelo Cordeiro; Cruz, Kátia Santana; Monte, Rossicléia Lins; Nocker, Andreas; Souza, João Vicente Braga de