Browsing by Subject Chemical Weathering

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Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1967The geochemistry of the Amazon River system: Part I. The factors that control the salinity and the composition and concentration of the suspended solidsGibbs, Ronald J.
2020What influences upland soil chemistry in the Amazon basin, Brazil? Major, minor and trace elements in the upper rhizosphereMatschullat, J.; Martins, Gilvan Coimbra; Enzweiler, Jacinta; F von Fromm, Sophie F.; Leeuwen, Johannes Van; Lima, Roberval Monteiro Bezerra de; Schneider, Mauana; Zurba, Kamal
2013Yields of suspended sediment and dissolved solids from the Andean basins of EcuadorArmijos, E.; Laraque, Alain; Barba, Sonia; Bourrel, Luc; Ceron, Catalina; Lagane, Christelle; Magat, Philippe; Moquet, Jean Sébastien; Pombosa, Rodrigo; Sondag, Francis; Vauchel, Philippe; Vera, Andrea; Guyot, J. L.