Browsing by Subject Dietary Intake

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Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2006Assessment of daily dietary intake of Hg and some essential elements in diets of children from the Amazon regionFarias, Luciana Aparecida; Fávaro, Déborah Inês Teixeira; Maihara, Vera Akiko; Vasconcellos, Marina Beatriz Agostini; Yuyama, Lucia Kiyoko Ozaki; Aguiar, Jaime Paiva Lopes; Alencar, F. J.
2001Association of the maternal experience and changes in adiposity measured by BMI, waist: Hip ratio and percentage body fat in urban Brazilian womenRodrigues, Maria L.C.F.; Costa, Teresa Helena Macedo da
2018Leaf-slicing behavior in the Blue-headed Parrot (Pionus menstruus) in central Amazonia is likely linked to highly selective caterpillar predationBarnett, Adrian Ashton; Todd, Lucy M.; Oliveira, Tadeu G. de
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2012Nutritional status and energy and nutrients intake of children attending day-care centers in the city of Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil: Are there differences between public and private day-care centers?Tavares, Bruno Mendes; Veiga, Glória Valéria da; Yuyama, Lucia Kiyoko Ozaki; Bueno, Milena Baptista; Mara Fisberg, Regina; Fisberg, Mauro