Browsing by Subject Hemoparasite

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Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016Effects of avian malaria on male behaviour and female visitation in lekking blue-crowned manakinsBosholn, Mariane; Fecchio, Alan; Silveira, Patrícia; Braga, É. M.; Anciães, Marina
2008First record of Trypanosoma chattoni in Brazil and occurrence of other Trypanosoma species in Brazilian frogs (Anura, Leptodactylidae)Lemos, Moara; Morais, Dráusio Honório; Carvalho, Vincius T.; D'Agosto, Marta
2020An inverse latitudinal gradient in infection probability and phylogenetic diversity for Leucocytozoon blood parasites in New World birdsFecchio, Alan; Bell, Jeffrey Andrew; Bosholn, Mariane; Vaughan, Jefferson A.; Tkach, Vasyl V.; Lutz, Holly L.; Cueto, Víctor Rodolfo; Gorosito, Cristian Andrés; González-Acuña, Daniel A.; Stromlund, Chad; Kvasager, Danielle K.; Comiche, Kiba J.M.; Kirchgatter, Karln; Pinho, J. B.; Berv, Jacob S.; Anciães, Marina; Fontana, Carla Suertegaray; Zyskowski, Kristof; Sampaio, Sidnei; Dispoto, Janice H.; Galen, Spencer C.; Weckstein, Jason D.; Clark, Nicholas J.