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Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2010Arsenic, cadmium, chromium, lead, mercury, and selenium levels in blood of four species of turtles from the Amazon in brazilBurger, Joanna; Jeitner, Christian W.; Schneider, Larissa; Vogt, Richard Carl; Gochfeld, Michael G.
2004Concentration and subcellular distribution of trace elements in liver of small cetaceans incidentally caught along the Brazilian coastKunito, Takashi; Nakamura, Shinji; Ikemoto, Tokutaka; Anan, Yasumi; Kubota, Reiji; Tanabe, Shinsuke; Weber Rosas, Fernando Cesar; Fillmann, Gilberto; Readman, James W.
2013Environmental quality evaluation of the Vacacaí River, Rio Grande do Sul, BrazilKochhann, Daiani; Behr, Everton Rodolfo; Chaves, Adilson de; Mesko, Márcia Foster; Dressler, Valderi Luiz; Flores, Érico M.M. de; Baldisserotto, Bernardo
2019Organic residues and biochar to immobilize potentially toxic elements in soil from a gold mine in the AmazonSouza, Edna Santos de; Dias, Yan Nunes; Costa, Hercília Samara Cardoso da; Pinto, Duane Azevedo; Oliveira, Danielle Monteiro de; Falcão, Newton Paulo de Souza; Teixeira, Renato Alves; Fernandes, Antônio Rodrigues