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Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2014Dynamic balancing of isoprene carbon sources reflects photosynthetic and photorespiratory responses to temperature stressJardine, Kolby J.; Chambers, Jeffrey Quintin; Alves, Eliane Gomes; Teixeira, Andrea; Garcia, Sabrina; Holm, Jennifer A.; Higuchi, Niro; Manzi, Antônio Ocimar; Abrell, Leif; Fuentes, José D.; Nielsen, Lars Keld; Torn, Margaret Susan; Vickers, Claudia Estelle
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2013Emissions of putative isoprene oxidation products from mango branches under abiotic stressJardine, Kolby J.; Meyers, Kimberly T.; Abrell, Leif; Alves, Eliane Gomes; Yáñez-Serrano, Ana Maria; Kesselmeier, Jürgen; Karl, Thomas G.; Guenther, Alex B.; Vickers, Claudia Estelle; Chambers, Jeffrey Quintin
2019Increasing Isoprene Epoxydiol-to-Inorganic Sulfate Aerosol Ratio Results in Extensive Conversion of Inorganic Sulfate to Organosulfur Forms: Implications for Aerosol Physicochemical PropertiesRiva, Matthieu; Chen, Yuzhi; Zhang, Yue; Lei, Ziying; Olson, Nicole E.; Boyer, Hallie C.; Narayan, Shweta; Yee, Lindsay D.; Green, Hilary S.; Cui, Tianqu; Zhang, Zhenfa; Baumann, Karsten; Fort, Mike; Edgerton, Eric S.; Budisulistiorini, Sri Hapsari; Rose, Caitlin A.; Ribeiro, Igor Oliveira; Oliveira, Rafael L.; dos Santos, Erickson O.; Machado, Cristine M.D.; Szopa, Sophie; Zhao, Yue; Alves, Eliane Gomes; Sá, Suzane S. de; Hu, Weiwei; Knipping, Eladio M.; Shaw, Stephanie L.; Duvoisin Júnior, Sérgio; Souza, Rodrigo Augusto Ferreira de; Palm, Brett B.; Ji?enez, José Luis; Glasius, Marianne; Goldstein, Allen H.; Pye, Havala O.T.; Gold, Avram R.; Turpin, Barbara; Vizuete, William; Martin, Scot T.; Thornton, Joel A.; Dutcher, Cari S.; Ault, Andrew P.; Surratt, Jason D.
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2017Integration of C1 and C2 metabolism in treesJardine, Kolby J.; Souza, Vinícius Fernandes de; Oikawa, Patricia Yoshino; Higuchi, Niro; Bill, Markus; Porras, Rachel C.; Niinemets, Ülo; Chambers, Jeffrey Quintin
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2016Isoprene photochemistry over the Amazon rainforestLiu, Yingjun; Brito, Joel F.; Dorris, Matthew R.; Rivera-Ríos, Jean C.; Seco, Roger; Bates, Kelvin H.; Artaxo, Paulo; Duvoisin, Sérgio Jr; Keutsch, Frank N.; Kim, Saewung; Goldstein, Allen H.; Guenther, Alex B.; Manzi, Antônio Ocimar; Souza, Rodrigo Augusto Ferreira de; Springston, Stephen R.; Watson, Thomas B.; McKinney, Karena A.; Martin, Scot T.