Preview | Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
| 2003 | Are plant populations in fragmented habitats recruitment limited? Tests with an Amazonian herb | Bruna, Emilio M. |
| 2010 | Drought responses of flood-tolerant trees in Amazonian floodplains | Parolin, Pia; Lucas, Christine M.; Piedade, Maria Teresa Fernandez; Wittmann, Florian Karl |
| 2018 | Effect of distance to edge and edge interaction on seedling regeneration and biotic damage in tropical rainforest fragments: A long-term experiment | Benítez-Malvido, Julieta; Lázaro, Amparo; Ferraz, Isolde Dorothea Kossmann |
| 2000 | Effects of above- and belowground competition on growth and survival of rain forest tree seedlings | Lewis, Simon L.; Tanner, Edmund Vincent John |
| 2010 | Effects of forest fragmentation on the seedling recruitment of a tropical herb: Assessing seed vs. safe-site limitation | Uríarte, Ma?ia; Bruna, Emilio M.; Rubim, Paulo; Anciães, Marina; Jonckheere, Inge G.C. |
| 2018 | Germinative behaviour of ten tree species in white-water floodplain forests in central Amazonia | Conserva, Auristela; Camargo, José Luís Campana; Santana, Denise Garcia de; Piedade, Maria Teresa Fernandez |
| 2003 | Influence of Edge Exposure on Tree Seedling Species Recruitment in Tropical Rain Forest Fragments | Benítez-Malvido, Julieta; Martínez-Ramos, Miguel |
| 2018 | Leaf traits explaining the growth of tree species planted in a Central Amazonian disturbed area | Guimarães, Zilza Thayane Matos; Santos, Victor Alexandre Hardt Ferreira dos; Nogueira, Wanda Lemos Paixão; Martins, Narrúbia Oliveira de Almeida; Ferreira, Marciel José |
| 1997 | Leaf-cutting ants and early forest regeneration in central Amazonia: Effects of herbivory on tree seedling establishment | Vasconcelos, Heraldo L.; Cherrett, J. Malcolm |
| 2012 | Physiological responses to flooding and light in two tree species native to the Amazonian floodplains | Maurenza, Daniel; Marenco, Ricardo Antonio; Parolin, Pia; Piedade, Maria Teresa Fernandez |
| 2002 | Pioneer trees in Amazonian floodplains: Three key species form monospecific stands in different habitats | Parolin, Pia; Oliveira, Astrid C.; Piedade, Maria Teresa Fernandez; Wittmann, Florian Karl; Junk, Wolfgang Johannes |
| 2012 | The regeneration of Brazil nut trees in relation to nut harvest intensity in the Trombetas River valley of Northern Amazonia, Brazil | Scoles, Ricardo; Gribel, Rogério |
| 2005 | Responses of seedling transplants to environmental variations in contrasting habitats of Central Amazonia | Benítez-Malvido, Julieta; Martínez-Ramos, Miguel; Camargo, José Luís Campana; Ferraz, Isolde Dorothea Kossmann |
| 1999 | Responses of woody plant seedlings to edge formation in a lowland tropical rainforest, Amazonia | Sizer, Nigel C.; Tanner, Edmund Vincent John |
| 2009 | The role of carbohydrates in seed germination and seedling establishment of Himatanthus sucuuba, an Amazonian tree with populations adapted to flooded and non-flooded conditions | Ferreira, Cristiane Silva; Piedade, Maria Teresa Fernandez; Tiné, Marco Aurélio Silva; Rodrigo Rossatto, Davi; Parolin, Pia; Buckeridge, Marcos Silveira |
| 2017 | Submergence, seed germination, and seedling development of the Amazonian floodplain tree Pseudobombax munguba: evidence for root oxytropism | Ferreira, Cristiane Silva; Piedade, Maria Teresa Fernandez; Franco, Augusto C. |
| 2002 | Succession in old pastures of central Amazonia: Role of soil fertility and plant litter | Ganade, Gislene; Brown, Valerie K. |
| 2013 | Tree seedling recruitment in Amazon secondary forest: Importance of topography and gap micro-site conditions | Bentos, Tony Vizcarra; Nascimento, Henrique Eduardo Mendonça; Williamson, G. Bruce |