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Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2005Ants and plant size shape the structure of the arthropod community of Hirtella myrmecophila, an Amazonian ant-plantIzzo, Thiago Junqueira; Vasconcelos, Heraldo L.
2007Recovery potential of understory bird communities in Amazonian rainforest fragmentsStouffer, Philip C.; Bierregaard, Richard O.
2015Size-dependent response of tropical wetland fish communities to changes in vegetation cover and habitat connectivityFernandes, Izaias Médice; Penha, Jerry Magno Ferreira; Zuanon, Jansen
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2017Spatial and temporal dynamics of shifting cultivation in the middle-Amazonas river: Expansion and intensificationJakovac, Catarina Conte; Dutrieux, Lo?c Paul; Siti, Latifah; Pena-Claros, Marielos; Bongers, Frans