Browsing by Subject Soil Nutrients

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Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019Above-ground woody biomass distribution in Amazonian floodplain forests: Effects of hydroperiod and substrate propertiesAssis, Rafael Leandro de; Wittmann, Florian Karl; Bredin, Yennie K.; Schöngart, Jochen; Quesada, Carlos Alberto Nobre; Piedade, Maria Teresa Fernandez; Haugaasen, Torbjørn
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2001Nutrientes no solo em floresta de terra firme cortada seletivamente na Amazônia CentralFerreira, Sávio José Filgueiras; Crestana, Silvio; Luizão, Flávio Jesus; Miranda, Sebastião Átila Fonseca
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2017Understory host plant and insect gall diversity changes across topographic habitats differing in nutrient and water stress in the Brazilian Amazon rainforestJulião, Genimar Rebouças; Almada, Emmanuel Duarte; Costa, Flávia Regina Capellotto; Carneiro, Marco Antônio Alves; Fernandes, G. Wilson