Browsing by Subject Sustainable Management

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Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg1999Biogeochemistry of a small catchment after the clearcutting of a 7-year old Eucalyptus plantationVital, Ana Rosa Tundis; Lima, Walter de Paula; Poggiani, Fábio; Camargo, Fausto Rodrigues Alves de
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2020A conceptual model to understand the drivers of change in tropical wetlands: A comparative assessment in India and BrazilSarkar, Priyanka; Salami, Mercy; Githiora, Yvonne; Vieira, Raísa R.S.; Navarro, Alma; Clavijo, Diana; Padgurschi, Maíra de Campos Gorgulho
2017Use of ethephon in the extraction of resin in two species of Protium Burm f. and evaluation of its effect on hexane extract composition in Protium strumosum DalyZuñiga, Rafael M.; Sampaio, Paulo de Tarso Barbosa; Veiga-Junior, Valdir F.
2018Using radiocarbon-calibrated dendrochronology to improve tree-cutting cycle estimates for timber management in southern Amazon forestsLucio, Carneiro de Miranda, Dirceu; Higuchi, Niro; Trumbore, Susan Elizabeth; Latorraca, João Vicente de Figueiredo; Carmo, Jair Figueiredo do; Lima, Adriano José Nogueira