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Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2012Persistence and stability of cichlid assemblages in neotropical floodplain lagoonsLourenço, Luzia da Silva; Fernandes, Izaias Médice; Penha, Jerry Magno Ferreira; Mateus, L. A.F.
2012Removal effects on nectar production in bat-pollinated flowers of the Brazilian cerradoBobrowiec, Paulo Estefano Dineli; Oliveira, Paulo E.
1978Tabela de volume para povoamento de Eucalyptus grandis, plantado no Municipio de Várzea Grande, MT.Higuchi, Niro; Gomes, Benedito; Santos, Joaquim dos; Constantino, Noel Alves
2003Use of geometric forms to estimate volume of invertebrates in ecological studies of dietary overlapMagnusson, William Ernest; Lima, Albertina Pimental; Silva, Williams Alves da; Araújo, Maria Carmozina de
2006Volume as a predictor for biomass: Equations for neotropical ScarabaeidaeRadtke, Meghan G.; Fonseca, Claudio Ruy Vasconcelos da; Williamson, G. Bruce