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Showing results 1 to 2 of 2
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2017Tree climbing techniques and volume equations for Eschweilera (Matá-Matá), a hyperdominant genus in the Amazon ForestGimenez, Bruno Oliva; dos Santos, Leandro T.; Gebara, Jonas; Celes, Carlos Henrique Souza; Durgante, Flávia Machado; Lima, Adriano José Nogueira; Santos, Joaquim dos; Higuchi, Niro
artigo-inpa4.pdf.jpg2015Volume equations for merchantable timber species of Southern Roraima stateGimenez, Bruno Oliva; Danielli, Filipe Eduardo; Oliveira, Criscian Kellen Amaro de; Santos, Joaquim dos; Higuchi, Niro