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Showing results 1 to 20 of 37  next >
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2000Aerial surveys of caiman, marsh deer and pampas deer in the Pantanal Wetland of BrazilMourão, Guilherme; Coutinho, Marcos Eduardo; Mauro, Rodiney; Campos, Zilca M.S.; Tomás, Walfrido Moraes; Magnusson, William Ernest
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2011Age-related and stand-wise estimates of carbon stocks and sequestration in the aboveground coarse wood biomass of wetland forests in the northern Pantanal, BrazilSchöngart, Jochen; Arieira, Julia; Felfili Fortes, C.; Cezarine de Arruda, E.; Nunes da Cunha, C.
2018An analysis of the influence of the local effects of climatic and hydrological factors affecting new malaria cases in riverine areas along the Rio Negro and surrounding Puraquequara Lake, Amazonas, BrazilCoutinho, Paulo Eduardo Guzzo; Cândido, Luiz Antônio; Tadei, Wanderli Pedro; Silva Junior, Urbano Lopes da; Correa, Honorly Katia Mestre
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2017The Brazilian freshwater wetscape: Changes in tree community diversity and composition on climatic and geographic gradientsWittmann, Florian Karl; Marques, Márcia Cristina Mendes; Júnior, Geraldo Damasceno D.; Budke, Jean Carlos; Piedade, Maria Teresa Fernandez; Wittmann, Astrid Oliveira de; Montero, Juan Carlos; Assis, Rafael Leandro de; Targhetta, Natália; Parolin, Pia; Junk, Wolfgang Johannes; Householder, John Ethan
2014Brazilian wetlands: Their definition, delineation, and classification for research, sustainable management, and protectionJunk, Wolfgang Johannes; Piedade, Maria Teresa Fernandez; Lourival, Reinaldo F.F.; Wittmann, Florian Karl; Kandus, Patricia; Lacerda, Luiz D.; Bozelli, Reinaldo Luiz; Esteves, Franscisco de Assis; Nunes da Cunha, C.; Maltchik, Leonardo; Schöngart, Jochen; Schaeffer-Novelli, Yara; Agostinho, A. A.
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2011Carbon dioxide and methane emissions from interfluvial wetlands in the upper Negro River basin, BrazilBelger, Lauren; Forsberg, Bruce Rider; Melack, John M.
2020Carbon Dioxide Fluxes to the Atmosphere From Waters Within Flooded Forests in the Amazon BasinAmaral, João Henrique Fernandes; Melack, John M.; Barbosa, Pedro Maia; MacIntyre, Sally; Kasper, Daniele; Cortés, Alicia; Silva, Thiago Sanna Freire; Sousa, Rodrigo Nunes de; Forsberg, Bruce Rider
2019Chronology of Terra Firme formation in Amazonian lowlands reveals a dynamic Quaternary landscapePupim, F. N.; Sawakuchi, André Oliveira; Almeida, Renato Paes de; Ribas, Camila Cherem; Kern, Andrea K.; Hartmann, Gelvam A.; Chiessi, Cristiano Mazur; Tamura, Larissa Natsumi; Mineli, Thays Desiree; Savian, Jairo Francisco; Grohmann, Carlos Henrique; Bertassoli, D. J.; Stern, A. G.; Cruz, Francisco W.; Cracraft, Joel L.
2011A classification of major naturally-occurring amazonian lowland wetlandsJunk, Wolfgang Johannes; Piedade, Maria Teresa Fernandez; Schöngart, Jochen; Cohn-Haft, Mario; Adeney, J. Marion; Wittmann, Florian Karl
2015A classification of the major habitats of Amazonian black-water river floodplains and a comparison with their white-water counterpartsJunk, Wolfgang Johannes; Wittmann, Florian Karl; Schöngart, Jochen; Piedade, Maria Teresa Fernandez
2007Composition and structure of the lacustrine bird communities of seasonally flooded wetlands of Western Brazilian Amazonia at high waterSobral Cintra, R. J. de; Santos, Pedro Manuel Ribeiro Simões dos; Banks-Leite, Cristina
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2017Deforestation and Carbon Loss in Southwest Amazonia: Impact of Brazil’s Revised Forest CodeRoriz, Pedro Augusto Costa; Yanai, Aurora Miho; Fearnside, Philip Martin
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2010Drought responses of flood-tolerant trees in Amazonian floodplainsParolin, Pia; Lucas, Christine M.; Piedade, Maria Teresa Fernandez; Wittmann, Florian Karl
2011Ecological oversight: Brazil's forest code puts wetlands at riskSousa, Paulo Teixeira de; Piedade, Maria Teresa Fernandez; Candotti, Ennio
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2019Ecosystem-based management of Amazon fisheries and wetlandsGoulding, Michael; Venticinque, Eduardo Martins; Ribeiro, Mauro Lde B.; Barthem, Ronaldo Borges; Leite, Rosseval Galdino; Forsberg, Bruce Rider; Petry, Paulo; Lopes da Silva-Júnior, Urbano; Ferraz, Polliana Santos; Cañas, Carlos M.
2014Effects of land-use and hydroperiod on aboveground biomass and productivity of secondary Amazonian floodplain forestsLucas, Christine M.; Schöngart, Jochen; Sheikh, Pervaze A.; Wittmann, Florian Karl; Piedade, Maria Teresa Fernandez; McGrath, David Gibbs
2015Effects of the Flooding Gradient on Tree Community Diversity in Várzea Forests of the Purus River, Central Amazon, BrazilLuize, Bruno Garcia; Silva, Thiago Sanna Freire; Wittmann, Florian Karl; Assis, Rafael L.; Venticinque, Eduardo Martins
2015Emissions from tropical hydropower and the IPCCFearnside, Philip Martin
2015An ethnobotanical study of anti-malarial plants among indigenous people on the upper Negro River in the Brazilian AmazonFrausin, Gina; Hidalgo, Ari de Freitas; Lima, Renata Braga Souza; Kinupp, Valdely Ferreira; Ming, Linchau; Pohlit, Adrian Martin; Milliken, William
2019Heteragrion denisye sp. Nov. (Odonata: Zygoptera: Heteragrionidae), a notable species from Serra da Canastra, Minas Gerais, BrazilVilela, Diogo Silva; Koroiva, Ricardo; Guillermo-Ferreira, Rhainer