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Results 61-70 of 10734 (Search time: 0.007 seconds).
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PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2012Phylogenetic community structure during succession: Evidence from three Neotropical forest sitesLetcher, Susan G.; Chazdon, Robin L.; Andrade, Ana C.S.; Bongers, Frans; Van Breugel, Michiel; Finegan, Bryan; Laurance, Susan G.W.; Mesquita, Rita de Cássia Guimarães; Martínez-Ramos, Miguel; Williamson, G. Bruce
2012Sexual signals of the Amazonian frog Allobates paleovarzensis: Geographic variation and stereotypy of acoustic traitsKaefer, Igor L.; Lima, Albertina Pimental
2012Revision of Neotropical species of Empidoidea (Diptera) described by Mario Bezzi. X. the species described in Apalocnemis Philippi (Brachystomatidae, Trichopezinae)Rafael, José Albertino; Sinclair, Bradley J.
2011Antibacterial activity of Minquartia guianensis extracts and phytochemical evaluationCursino, Lorena Mayara de Carvalho; Santos, Ivanildes B.; Mariúba, Luís André Morais; Jeffreys, Manoel Feitosa; Lima, Nerilson M.; Oliveira, Jaciara L.; Orlandi, Patrícia Puccinelli; Nunez, C. V.
2011Water temperature differences in interfluvial palm swamp habitats of Paracheirodon axelrodi and P. simulans (Osteichthyes: Characidae) in the middle Rio Negro, BrazilMarshall, Bruce Gavin; Forsberg, Bruce Rider; Hess, Laura Lorraine; Carvalho, Carlos Edwar Freitas de
2011Structure and floristic composition of one of the last forest fragments containing the critically endangered Northern Muriqui (Brachyteles Hypoxanthus, Primates)Boubli, Jean Philippe; Couto, Fabiana; Strier, Karen B.
2011The flood of 2009 in the Brazilian AmazonVale, Roseilson Santos do; Filizola, Naziano Pantoja; Souza, Rodrigo Augusto Ferreira de; Schöngart, Jochen
2011Three new synonyms of the spider Miagrammopes guttatus Mello-Leitão, 1937 (Araneae: Uloboridae)Salvatierra, Lidianne; Tourinho, A. L.; Brescovit, Antônio Domingos
2011New records of Sulphurbreasted Parakeet Aratinga maculata in Pará and Amapá states, BrazilCosta, Thiago Vernaschi Vieira da; Andretti, Christian Borges; Olmos, Fábio; Pacheco, José Fernando
2011Assessment of turtle tracking technologies in the Brazilian AmazonGuilhon, Alessandro Valdez; Vogt, Richard Carl; Schneider, Larissa; Ferrara, Camila Rudge