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Título: Birds in fragmented Amazonian rainforest: Lessons from 40 years at the Biological Dynamics of Forest Fragments Project
Autor: Stouffer, Philip C.
Palavras-chave: Amazonia
Bird communities
Forest Fragmentation
Island Biogeography
Landscape Ecology
Second growth
Data do documento: 2020
Revista: Condor
É parte de: Volume 122, Número 3
Abstract: For decades, ecologists have studied fundamental questions of how Amazonian biodiversity is maintained, and whether that diversity can persist following deforestation. The long history of avian research at the Biological Dynamics of Forest Fragments Project, near Manaus, Brazil, has helped advance this understanding in the context of a broader research program focused on rainforest fragments embedded in a dynamic matrix. By sampling birds beginning before fragments were isolated, in the late 1970s, and continuing the protocol to the present, our work has revealed community dynamics driven not just by area and isolation, but also by larger landscape patterns, particularly second growth recovery over decadal scales. Fragments permanently lose some bird species, but their communities need not follow a trajectory toward catastrophic change. Our challenge now is to determine under what conditions remnant patches and developing second growth can support not just the rich diversity of Amazonian rainforest species but also their population processes and emergent community properties. © American Ornithological Society 2020.
DOI: 10.1093/condor/duaa005
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