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dc.contributor.advisorRatter, James-
dc.contributor.authorSanaiotti, Tânia Margarete-
dc.description.abstractThis study compares the soils, floristic composition, phytosociological structure and history of seven Brazilian savannas in the Amazon basin: those at Alter do Chão, Amapá, Roraima''' and SE Humaiatá are islands in rain forest; and those at Chapada dos Parecis, Redenção, and Carolina are on the periphery (northern border) of the central Brazilian savannas (the so-called 'cerrado'). A total of 26 transects were sampled by the PCQ method (for trees with dbh = 5 cm) and additional tree species were rocorded by 'wide patrolling'. A total of 101 species were recorded from the transects and another 43 species were recorded by 'wide patrolling'. Byrsonima crassifolia, B. coccolobifolia, Curatella americana, Salvertia convallariodora and Plathymenia reticulata occurred in most or all sites, but no species occurred in all transects. The number of species in the isolated savannas decreased with the distance from the central Brazilian core savanna area. Both cluster analysis (based on the Sørensen Similarity Index) and ordination (DCA), showed that the disjunct and non-isolated peripheral areas were in floristically distinct groups. Five surface soil samples (0 - 10 cm) were collected from each of the 26 transects. Two soil cores (up to 4 m depth), one located in savanna and the other from the nearest forest present, were taken from each study site for carbon isotope analysis. All the sites had acidic soils (pH 4.5 - 5.2) and a wide range of concentrations of aluminium (0.12 - 1.49 meq 100g-¹); most of the other soil properties varied significantly within study sites. An ordination (PCA) distinguished the soils from Amapá, Alter do Chão, Redenção and Roraima, but did not distinguished the disjunct sites from non-isolated peripheral ones. The soil delta¹³C values of all the disjunct savannas indicated a vegetation change in the past from C3 to C4, showing that forest (or at least a vegetation with few C4 plants) formely covered these sites. 14C dating indicated that the disjunct savannas are of relatively recent origin, e.g. Humaitá was dated at about 2,000 years BP, and hence that they are not remnants of a more widespread Pleistocene savanna in the Amazon. .pt_BR
dc.publisherUniversity of Stirlingpt_BR
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Brazil*
dc.subjectPlantas lenhosaspt_BR
dc.titleThe woody flora and soils of seven Brazilian Amazonian dry savanna areaspt_BR
dc.typeTesept_BR, John-
Appears in Collections:Teses E Dissertações Defendidas Em Outras Instituições

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