Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 13 of 13
Preview | Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
| 1972 | Editorial | - |
| 1972 | Sumário | - |
| 1972 | DR. JOSE CÂNDIDO DE MELO CARVALHO, novo co-redator de AMAZONIANA | Sioli, Harald |
| 1972 | DR. JOSE CÂNDIDO DE MELO CARVALHO, neuer Mitherausgeber von AMAZONIANA | Sioli, Harald |
| 1972 | Professor Dr. Heitor Grillo In Memoriam | Schaden, Reimar; Sioli, Harald |
| 1972 | Professor Dr. Heitor Grillo In Memoriam | Reimar, Schaden; Sioli, Harald |
| 1972 | Contribution à la connaissance des Nématodes de I' estuaire de I' Amazone | Altherr, Edm |
| 1972 | Die Ionenfracht des Rio Negro, Staat Amazonas, Brasilien, nach Untersuchungen | Ungemach, Harald |
| 1972 | Regenwasseranalysen aus Zentralamazonien, ausgeführt in Manaus, Amazonas, Brasilien, | Ungemach, Harald |
| 1972 | Chemical properties of some waters in the tropical rain - forest region of Central - Amazonia along the new road Manaus - Caracarai | Schmidt, Gottfried W . |
| 1972 | Amountes of suspended solids and dissolved substances in the middle reaches of the Amazon over the course of one year ( Augs. 1969 - July, 1970) | Schmidt, Gottfried W . |
| 1972 | A new species of Monocondylaeinae from the Amazon basin, and some considerations on this subfamily in the hydrographic systems of South America | Bonetto, Argentino A. |
| 1972 | Zur Nahmng tropischer Süẞwasserfische aus Südamerika - Einige ausgewählte Arten der Anostomidae, Curimatidae, Hemiodidae und Characidae (Pisces, Characoidei) | Knöppel, Hans-Armin |
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 13 of 13