Coleção's Items (Ordenado por Data de depósito na Descendente ordem): 1 para 12 de 12
Pré-visualização | Data do documento | Título | Autor(es) |
| 1985 | Editorial | - |
| 1985 | Sumário | - |
| 1985 | Prof. Dr. Harald Sioli zum 75. Geburtstag; Ao Professor Dr. Harald Sioli ao 75" aniversário; Professor Dr. Harald Sioli to his 75th birthday | Sioli, Harald |
| 1985 | Foliar nutrient levels of native tree species from Central Amazonia. 2. Campina | Klinge, Hans |
| 1985 | On the natural history and ecology of Pseudoscorpiones (Arachnida) from an Amazonian blackwater inundation forest | Adis, Joachim; Mahnert, Volker |
| 1985 | Temporary fat storage, an adaptation of some fish species to the waterlevel fluctuations and related environmental changes of the Amazon river | Junk, Wolfgang J. |
| 1985 | Funktionsmorphologische Untersuchungen uber die Barteln von Osteoglossurn bicirrhosum (Pisces, Osteoglossidae) wahrend der Notatmung | Braum, Erich; Bock, Rainer |
| 1985 | Hydrogeochemie von FlieBgewassern im Bereich der Transamazônica (Nordbrasilien) | Furch, Karin |
| 1985 | Lichtklimadaten in drei aquatischen Okosystemen verschiedener physikalischchemischer Beschaffenheit. I. -Abschwachung, Ruckstreuung und Vergleich zwischen Einstrahlung, Ruckstrahlung und spharisch gemessener Quantenstromdichte (PAR) | Furch, Bodo; Correa, Ana Francisca Fernandes; Otto, Karl - Ronald; Mello, Jose Alberto Sampaio Nunes de |
| 1985 | Temperature dependant generationcycle for the cicindelid beetle Pentacomia egregia CHAUD. (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Cicindelinae) of the Amazon valley | Irmler, Ulrich |
| 1985 | Die Wasserbiiffelwirtschaft am mittleren Amazonas aus der Sidit der jüngsten Entwicklungen | Ohly, Jorg J. |
| 1985 | Structural and other adaptations to long-tem flooding by trees in Central Amazonia | Worbes, Martin |
Coleção's Items (Ordenado por Data de depósito na Descendente ordem): 1 para 12 de 12