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PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1994Further new Fuhrmannodesmidae from the environs of Manaus, Central Amazonia, Brazil, with a revision of Cryptogonodesmus SILVESTRI, 1898 (Diplopoda, Polydesmida)Golovatch, Sergei' I.
1994Systématique évolutive des Xenylla. XVI. Description d'une nouvelle espèce provenant d'Amazonie (Insecta: Collembola)Gama, Maria Manuela da; Oliveira, Elisiana Pereira de
1994New and little known geophilomorph centipedes from Amazonian inundation forests near Manaus, Brazil (Chilopoda: Geophilomorpha)Pereira, Luis Alberto; Minelli, Alessandro; Barbieri, Francesco
1995Anphira xinguensis sp. nov. (Isopoda, Cymothoidae) a gill chamber parasite of an Amazonian serrasalmid fish, Ossubtus xinguense JÉGU, 1992Thatcher, Vernon E.
1995Morphological characteristics of an Amazon floodplain lake (Lake Batata, Pará State, Brazil)Panosso, Renata de F.-; Muehe, Dieter; Esteves, Francisco de A.
1995Comportamento de nidificação de Trypoxylon (Trypargilum) rogenhoferi KOHL (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae) em uma floresta inundável de várzea na Amazônia CentralGarcia, Marcos V. B.; Adis, Joachim
1995Redefinition of the milliped genus Pycnotropis, and description of a new species from Manaus, Brazil (Polydesmida: Platyrhacidae: Euryurinae)Hoffman, Richard L.
1995Water mites from Ecuador I. A new genus of the family Anisitsiellidae KOENIKE, 1909 (Acari: Hydrachnellae) from a rain forest stream in the province of EsmeraldasGerecke, Reinhard
1995Comparative pleopod morphology of eleven species of parasitic isopods from Brazilian fishThatcher, Vernon E.
1995A review of Huralvioides (Opiliones, Gonyleptidae, Pachylinae)Kury, Adriano B.