Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 12 of 12
Preview | Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
| 1994 | Editorial | - |
| 1997 | Sumário | - |
| 1997 | Water mites from stagnant waters of Paraguay | Ferradás, Beatriz E. Rosso de; Bottger, Klaus |
| 1997 | Description complémentaire du palpigrade brésilien Eukoenenia janetscheki CONDÉ | Condé, Bruno |
| 1997 | Ecological studies on crocodilians in Suriname. P.E. OUBOTER. Book review | Junk, W. J. |
| 1997 | Pauropoda from upland and inundation forests in Central Amazonia, Brazil (Myriapoda, Pauropoda:Millotauropodidae, Pauropodidae) | Scheller, Ulf |
| 1997 | On the identity of further two millipede species (Diplopoda) from the environs of Manaus, Central Amazonia, Brazil | Golovatch, S. I.; Hoffman, R. L.; Adis, J.; Vohland, K.; Mármol, A. |
| 1997 | Mouthpart morphology of six freshwater species of Cymothoidae (Isopoda) from Amazonian fish compared to that of three marine forms, with the proposal of Artystonenae subfam. nov. | Thatcher, Vernon E. |
| 1997 | One some further Neotropical Pyrgodesmidae, partly from the environs of Manaus, Central Amazonia, Brazil (Diplopoda, Polydesmida) | Golovatch, Sergei I. |
| 1997 | On the vegetation of a seasonal mixedwater inundation forest near Manaus, Brazilian Amazonia | Amara, I. L. do; Adis, J.; Prance, G. T. |
| 1997 | Paxyodon syrmatophorus (MEUSCHEN, 1781) (Mollusca, Bivalvia, Unionoida) in the Curuá-Una reservoir, Santarém, Pará, Brazil | Mansur, M. C. Dreher; Ribeiro, C. Volkmer; Carvalho, J. Lopes de |
| 1997 | The Central Amazon floodplain. Ecology of a pulsing system. W. J. JUNK (ed) . Book review | Junk, W. J. |
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 12 of 12