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PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1998Description of adults of Octospiniferoides incognita SCHMIDT & HUGGHINS, 1973, (Acanthocephala: Neoechinorhynchidae) frorn a fish of Rondônia State, BrazilThatcher, Vernon E.
1998Life history of Moina micrura (KURZ) fed with three algae species, in the laboratoryCastro, José Gerley Díaz; Hardy, Elsa Rodrigues
1998Relation between flood pulse and functional composition of the macroinvertebrate benthic fauna in the lowes Rio Negro, Amazonas, BrazilNessimian, J. L.; Dorvillé, L. F. M.; Sanseverino, A. M.; Baptista, D. F.
1998Benthic rnacroinvertebrates as indicators of ecological fragility of small Rivers ('Igarapés') in a bauxite mining region of Brazilian AmazoniaCallisto, M.; Esteves, F. A.; Gonçalves, J. F. Jr.; Fonseca, J. J. L.
1998Rotifer fauna from VenezuelaVásquez, E.; Pardo, M. J.; Roa, E. Zoppi de; López, C.
1998Review of the Neotropical millipede genus Pycnotropis CARL, 1914 (Diplopoda, Polydesmida, Aphelidesmidae)Golovatch, S. I.; Vohland, K.; Hoffman, R. L.; Adis, J.; Mármol, A.; Bachmann, L.; Tomiuk, J.
1998Description of Taulidesmella tabatinga n.sp. (Diplopoda, Polydesmida, Pyrgodesmidae) from Amazon River fioodplains, with notes on its distribution and ecologyGolovatch, S. I.; Adis, J.
1998Review of the millipede subfamily Amplininae (Diplopoda, Polydesmida, Aphelidesmidae) with remarks on phylogeny and the description of some new South American genera and speciesVohland, Katrin
1998Amphistomes as species markers of the serrasalmid fish, Myleus ternetzi (NORMAN), from French Guiana, with descriptions of two new species and one new genusThatcher, Vernon E.; Jégu, Michel