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2013Linking hematological, biochemical, genotoxic, and behavioral responses to crude oil in the Amazon fish Colossoma macropomum (cuvier, 1816)Kochhann, Daiani; Azevedo Brust, Sandra Maristher de; Domingos, Fabíola Xochilt Valdez; Val, Adalberto Luis
2013Effects of subchronic manganese chloride exposure on tambaqui (colossoma macropomum) tissues: Oxidative stress and antioxidant defensesGabriel, Diogo; Riffel, Ana Paula Konzen; Finamor, Isabela Andres; Saccol, Etiane Medianeira Hundertmarck; Ourique, Giovana M.; Goulart, Luis O.R.; Kochhann, Daiani; Cunha, Mauro Alves da; Garcia, Luciano; Pavanato, Maria Amália; Val, Adalberto Luis; Baldisserotto, Bernardo; Llesuy, Susana
2011Accumulation of dietary and aqueous cadmium into the epidermal mucus of the discus fish Symphysodon sp.Maunder, Richard J.; Buckley, Jonathan; Val, Adalberto Luis; Sloman, Katherine A.
2011Silver speciation in liver of marine mammals by synchrotron X-ray absorption fine structure and X-ray fluorescence spectroscopiesNakazawa, Emiko; Ikemoto, Tokutaka; Hokura, Akiko; Terada, Yasuko; Kunito, Takashi; Yamamoto, Takahito; Yamada, Tadasu K.; Weber Rosas, Fernando Cesar; Fillmann, Gilberto; Tanabe, Shinsuke; Nakai, Izumi
2018Physiological impacts and bioaccumulation of dietary Cu and Cd in a model teleost: The Amazonian tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum)Giacomin, Marina Mussoi; Vilarinho, Gisele C.C.; Castro, Katia F.; Ferreira, Márcio Soares; Duarte, Rafael Mendonça; Wood, Chris M.; Val, Adalberto Luis
2019Effects of sublethal Cd, Zn, and mixture exposures on antioxidant defense and oxidative stress parameters in early life stages of the purple sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratusKlein, Roberta Daniele; Nogueira, Lygia Sega; Domingos-Moreira, Fabíola Xochilt Valdez; Gomes Costa, Patrícia; Bianchini, Adalto; Wood, Chris M.
2019Gene expression, genotoxicity, and physiological responses in an Amazonian fish, Colossoma macropomum (CUVIER 1818), exposed to Roundup® and subsequent acute hypoxiaSilva, Grazyelle Sebrenski da; Matos, Lorena Vieira de; Freitas, Juliana Oliveira da Silva; Campos, Derek Felipe de; Almeida e Val, Vera Maria Fonseca de
2017Nickel toxicity to cardinal tetra (Paracheirodon axelrodi) differs seasonally and among the black, white and clear river waters of the Amazon basinHolland, Aleicia; Wood, Chris M.; Smith, Donald Scott; Correia, Tiago Gabriel; Val, Adalberto Luis
2012Mercury concentration in the spectacled caiman and black caiman (Alligatoridae) of the Amazon: Implications for human healthSchneider, Larissa; Peleja, Reinaldo Pacheco; Kluczkovski, Augusto; Freire, Guilherme Martinez; Marioni, Boris; Vogt, Richard Carl; Silveira, Ronis da
2010Mercury levels in muscle of six species of turtles eaten by people along the Rio Negro of the Amazon basinSchneider, Larissa; Belger, Lauren; Burger, Joanna; Vogt, Richard Carl; Ferrara, Camila Rudge