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Rediscovery.pdf.jpg2019Rediscovery of Osteocephalus vilarsi (Anura: Hylidae): An overlooked but widespread Amazonian spiny-backed treefrogFerrão, Miquéias; Moravec, Ji?í; Moraes, Leandro J.C.L.; Carvalho, Vinícius Tadeu de; Gordo, Marcelo; Lima, Albertina Pimental
Coarse.pdf.jpg2018Coarse- and fine-scale patterns of distribution and habitat selection places an Amazonian floodplain curassow in double jeopardyLeite, Gabriel Augusto; Farias, Izeni P.; Gonçalves, André Luis Sousa; Hawes, Joseph E.; Peres, Carlos A.
artigo-inpa11.pdf.jpg2018From the Guiana Highlands to the Brazilian Atlantic Rain Forest: Four new species of Selaginella (Selaginellaceae - Lycopodiophyta: S. agioneuma, S. magnafornensis, S. ventricosa, and S. zartmanii)Valdespino, Iván Alberto; López, Christian A.; Sierra, Adriel M.; Ceballos, Jorge
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2018A new species of Amazonian snouted treefrog (Hylidae: Scinax) with description of a novel species-habitat association for an aquatic breeding frogFerrão, Miquéias; Fraga, Rafael de; Moravec, Ji?í; Kaefer, Igor L.; Lima, Albertina Pimental
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2019Evidence of cryptic lineages within a small South American crocodilian: The Schneider's dwarf caiman Paleosuchus trigonatus (Alligatoridae: Caimaninae)Bittencourt, Pedro Senna; Campos, Zilca M.S.; Lima Muniz, Fábio de; Marioni, Boris; Souza, Bruno Campos; Silveira, Ronis da; Thoisy, Benoît de; Hrbek, Tomas; Farias, Izeni P.
Soil.pdf.jpg2018Soil and forest structure predicts large-scale patterns of occurrence and local abundance of a widespread Amazonian frogFerreira, Anthony S.; Jehle, Robert; Stow, Adam J.; Lima, Albertina Pimental
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2017The density and biomass of mesozooplankton and ichthyoplankton in the Negro and the Amazon Rivers during the rainy season: The ecological importance of the confluence boundaryNakajima, Ryota; Rimachi, Elvis V.; Santos-Silva, Edinaldo Nelson; Calixto, Laura S.F.; Leite, Rosseval Galdino; Khen, Adi; Yamane, Tetsuo; Mazeroll, Anthony I.; Inuma, Jomber C.; Utumi, Erika Y.K.; Tanaka, Akira
Fish.pdf.jpg2018Fish species richness is associated with the availability of landscape components across seasons in the Amazonian floodplainCarvalho, Carlos Edwar Freitas de; Laurenson, Laurie J.B.; Yamamoto, K. C.; Forsberg, Bruce Rider; Petrere Jr., Miguel; Arantes, Caroline Chaves; Siqueira-Souza, F. K.
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2019Boto (Inia geoffrensis-Cetacea: Iniidae) aggregations in two provisioning sites in the lower Negro River-Amazonas, Brazil: Are they related?Gravena, Waleska; Hrbek, Tomas; Silva, Vera Maria Ferreira da; Farias, Izeni P.
comparative.pdf.jpg2018A comparative study of the gastric ossicles of Trichodactylidae crabs (Brachyura: Decapoda) with comments on the role of diet and phylogeny in shaping morphological traitsCarvalho, Débora A.; Collins, Pablo Agustin; Lima-Gomes, Renata C.; Magalhães, Célio; Torres, María Victoria; Williner, Verónica