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Title: Fish stock assessment of piraputanga Brycon microlepis in the Cuiabá River Basin, Pantanal of Mato Grosso, Brazil
Authors: Mateus, L. A.F.
Estupiñán, Guillermo M.B.
Keywords: Fresh Water
Growth, Development And Aging
Population Dynamics
Fresh Water
Population Dynamics
Issue Date: 2002
metadata.dc.publisher.journal: Revista Brasileira de Biologia
metadata.dc.relation.ispartof: Volume 62, Número 1, Pags. 165-170
Abstract: Fork length measurements of individuals of Brycon microlepis landed and commercialized at the Porto Market in Cuiabá, MT, from May-October 1996 to May-October 1997 were used to estimate growth and mortality parameters for this species. The average estimated populational parameters were: L∞_ = 705 mm, k = 0.275 year-1, C = 0.775, WP = 0.465, Lc = 164 mm, M = 0.585 year-1, Z = 0.822 year-1, with F = 0.237 year -1. Yield per recruit analysis suggests that the stock is not yet overexploited.
metadata.dc.identifier.doi: 10.1590/S1519-69842002000100018
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