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Title: Floristic and phytosociology in dense “terra firme” rainforest in the Belo Monte Hydroelectric Plant influence area, Pará, Brazil
Other Titles: Florística e fitossociologia de um trecho de Floresta ombrófila densa de terra firme na área de influência da Usina Hidrelétrica Belo Monte, Pará, Brasil
Authors: Lemos, D. A.N.
Ferreira, B. G A
Siqueira, Joésio Deoclécio Pierin
Oliveira, M. M.
Ferreira, A. M.
Keywords: Biodiversity
Electric Power Plant
Plant Dispersal
Plant Dispersal
Power Plants
Issue Date: 2015
metadata.dc.publisher.journal: Revista Brasileira de Biologia
metadata.dc.relation.ispartof: Volume 75, Número 3, Pags. S257-S276
Abstract: The objective of the present study was to characterise the floristic and phytosociological composition on a stretch of dense “Terra Firme” rainforest located in the Belo Monte hydroelectric plant area of influence, located in the state of Pará, Brazil. All trees with DAP > 10 cm situated in 75 permanent plots of 1 ha were inventoried. 27,126 individuals trees (361 ind.ha-1), distributed in 59 botanical families, comprising 481 species were observed. The families with the largest number of species were Fabaceae (94), Araceae (65) and Arecaceae (43), comprising 43.7% of total species. The species Alexa grandiflora (4.41), Cenostigma tocantinum (2.50) and Bertholletia excelsa (2.28) showed the highest importance values (IV). The ten species with greater IV are concentrated (22%). The forest community has high species richness and can be classified as diverse age trees, heterogeneous and of medium conservation condition. © 2015, Instituto Internacional de Ecologia. All rights reserved.
metadata.dc.identifier.doi: 10.1590/1519-6984.01814BM
Appears in Collections:Artigos

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