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Title: Trichomycete fungi (Zygomycota) associated with mosquito larvae (Diptera: Culicidae) in natural and artificial habitats in Manaus, AM Brazil
Other Titles: Fungos trichomycetes (Zygomicota) associados com larvas de mosquitos (Diptera: Culicidae) em criadouros naturais e artificiais em Manaus, AM
Authors: Pereira, Eleny da Silva
Ferreira-Keppler, Ruth Leila Menezes
Hamada, Neusa
Lichtwardt, Robert W.
Keywords: Aedes Aegypti
Smittium Culisetae
Issue Date: 2005
metadata.dc.publisher.journal: Neotropical Entomology
metadata.dc.relation.ispartof: Volume 34, Número 2, Pags. 325-329
Abstract: Fungal species of the class Trichomycete fungi (Zygomycota) are associated with the digestive tracts of Arthropoda. The relationships between these fungi and their hosts are still little understood: they may be commensal, beneficial or deleterious. Knowledge of the community structure of parasites/ pathogens and of the habitats of each species of Culicidae larvae can be important in studies that intend to use combined approaches to population control. Larvae of Culicidae and their associated trichomycete fungi were collected in Manaus County, AM, Brazil; sampling habitats included plants (natural habitat) and anthropic containers (artificial habitats). The total of 1,518 larvae were collected, 913 of which were in natural habitats and 605 were in artificial habitats, distributed in 12 species of seven genera. The total of 661 individuals (4th instar) were dissected to verify the presence of trichomycete fungi in the mid and hindgut. Infection of trichomycete fungi in the hindgut was observed in 15% of Culex urichii Coquillett, 13% of Culex (Culex) sp1, 9% of Limatus spp., 49% of Aedes aegypti Linnaeus and 1% of Ochlerotatus argyrothorax Bonne-Wepster & Bonne. Only in Ae. aegypti were trichomycete fungi observed in the peritrophic matrix, in the midgut; however, this fact is probably, a result of abnormal development of the fungi.
metadata.dc.identifier.doi: 10.1590/S1519-566X2005000200022
Appears in Collections:Artigos

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