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Title: Development and validation of analytical methodology by spectrophotometry in the visible for quantification of total tannins in the stem bark of Simarouba amara Aubl
Other Titles: Desenvolvimento e validacáo de metodologia analitica por espectrofotometria no visÍvel para quantificacäo de taninos totais na casca do caule de Simarouba amara Aubl
Authors: Alves, Iasmine Andreza Basilio dos Santos
Miranda, Henrique Marcelino
Barbosa, Antenor Pereira
Randau, Karina Perrelli
Soares, L. A.L.
Issue Date: 2015
metadata.dc.publisher.journal: Revista Árvore
metadata.dc.relation.ispartof: Volume 39, Número 1, Pags. 37-47
Abstract: The stem bark of Simarouba amara Aubl., Simaroubaceae, is widely used in Brazilian folk medicine and in many countries of Central and South America for the treatment of malaria, intestinal parasites, diarrhea, anemia and fever. Although quassinoids are considered chemotaxonomic markers of the species, the unavailability of commercialization standards stay as a challenge for its quality control. Therefore, the purpose of this study was the development and validation of an analytical methodology by spectrophotometry to quantify the total tannin content from stem bark of S. amara, since this class of metabolites is one of the most abundant and representative in the species. The proposed method was based on quantification at 760 nm after addition of Folin-Ciocalteu reagent and its validation included all parameters recommended by the RE 899. The results showed that the proposed method was adequately developed and validated, and it is an useful analytical tool for the quality control of S. amara. © 2015, Sociedade de Investigacoes Florestais. All rights reserved.
metadata.dc.identifier.doi: 10.1590/0100-67622015000100004
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