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Title: The development of Neoechinorhynchus buttnerae (Eoacanthocephala: Neoechinorhynchidae) in its intermediate host Cypridopsis vidua in Brazil
Authors: Lourenço, Felipe de Sousa
Morey, Germán Augusto Murrieta
Malta, José C.O.
Keywords: Fresh Water
Animals Parasitosis
Fish Disease
Growth, Development And Aging
Life Cycle Stages
Fish Diseases
Fresh Water
Helminthiasis, Animals
Life Cycle Stages
Issue Date: 2018
metadata.dc.publisher.journal: Acta Parasitologica
metadata.dc.relation.ispartof: Volume 63, Número 2, Pags. 354-359
Abstract: The family Neoechinorhynchidae includes seven species of Neoechinorhynchus from freshwater fishes of Brazil. Although several Neoechinorhynchus species are cited infecting different fish species in Brazil, there is a lack of information concerning to their life cycle and the identification of the intermediate hosts. Thus, the aim of the present study was to describe the development of Neoechinorhynchus buttnerae in its intermediate host collected in a fish farm located in Rio Preto da Eva, Amazonas, Brazil. To verify the presence of N. buttnerae in the fish pond, twenty Colossoma macropomum were captured and analyzed, being corroborated the presence of this parasite species. Samples of plankton were also collected, finding the ostracod Cypridopsis vidua as the intermediate host. For the description of the larvae development, a laboratory experimental procedure was conducted by feeding the collected ostracods with the eggs of the adult specimens taken from the sampled fish. To observe the stages of development an artificial hatch was performed. Every stage of development was photographed, measured, drawn and described. The time of development of the immature stages of N. buttnerae was 29 days, reporting the stages: acanthor, acanthella (with eight developmental changes) and cystacanth. As high infections by N. buttnerae causes morphological damages to the intestine and may compromise the quality of C. macropomum and in consequence the production of fish farmers in the Brazilian Amazon region, the knowledge of its intermediate host and the understanding of its life cycle represents a useful information to prevent and combat infections by this parasite. © 2018 W. Stefański Institute of Parasitology, PAS 2018.
metadata.dc.identifier.doi: 10.1515/ap-2018-0040
Appears in Collections:Artigos

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