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Title: The economic cost of losing native pollinator species for orchard production
Authors: Pérez-Méndez, Néstor
Andersson, Georg K.S.
Requier, Fabrice
Hipólito, Juliana
Aizen, Marcelo A.
Morales, Carolina Laura
García, Nancy
Gennari, Gerardo Pablo
Garibaldi, Lucas Alejandro
Keywords: Alternative Agriculture
Crop Production
Crop Yield
Fruit Set
Malus X Domestica
Issue Date: 2020
metadata.dc.publisher.journal: Journal of Applied Ecology
metadata.dc.relation.ispartof: Volume 57, Número 3, Pags. 599-608
Abstract: The alarming loss of pollinator diversity world-wide can reduce the productivity of pollinator-dependent crops, which could have economic impacts. However, it is unclear to what extent the loss of a key native pollinator species affects crop production and farmer's profits. By experimentally manipulating the presence of colonies of a native bumblebee species Bombus pauloensis in eight apple orchards in South Argentina, we evaluated the impact of losing natural populations of a key native pollinator group on (a) crop yield, (b) pollination quality, and (c) farmer's profit. To do so, we performed a factorial experiment of pollinator exclusion (yes/no) and hand pollination (yes/no). Our results showed that biotic pollination increased ripe fruit set by 13% when compared to non-biotic pollination. Additionally, fruit set and the number of fruits per apple tree was reduced by less than a half in those orchards where bumblebees were absent, even when honeybees were present at high densities. Consequently, farmer's profit was 2.4-fold lower in farms lacking bumblebees than in farms hosting both pollinator species. The pollination experiment further suggested that the benefits of bumblebees could be mediated by improved pollen quality rather than quantity. Synthesis and applications. This study highlights the pervasive consequences of losing key pollinator functional groups, such as bumblebees, for apple production and local economies. Adopting pollinator-friendly practices such as minimizing the use of synthetic inputs or restoring/maintaining semi-natural habitats at farm and landscape scales, will have the double advantage of promoting biodiversity conservation, and increasing crop productivity and profitability for local farmers. Yet because the implementation of these practices can take time to deliver results, the management of native pollinator species can be a provisional complementary strategy to increase economic profitability of apple growers in the short term. © 2019 British Ecological Society
metadata.dc.identifier.doi: 10.1111/1365-2664.13561
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