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Title: Redescription of the Amazonian tiny tree toad Amazophrynella minuta (Melin, 1941) (Anura: Bufonidae) from its type locality
Authors: Rojas, Rommel R.
Fouquet, Antoine
Carvalho, Vinícius Tadeu de
Ron, Santiago R.
Chaparro, Juan Carlos
Vogt, Richard Carl
Ávila, Róbson Waldemar
Farias, Izeni P.
Gordo, Marcelo
Hrbek, Tomas
Keywords: Animals
Issue Date: 2018
metadata.dc.publisher.journal: Zootaxa
metadata.dc.relation.ispartof: Volume 4482, Número 3, Pags. 511-526
Abstract: The description of Amazophrynella minuta was published in 1941 by the Swedish naturalist Douglas Melin based on ma-terial from Taracuá (Amazonas state, Brazil). This description was very brief and based on the morphology of few speci-mens with diagnostic characters and color variation not well defined. Moreover, the type series is currently in poor state of conservation. Consequently, taxonomic ambiguity surrounds the nominal taxon A. minuta, which hampers the descrip-tion of many unnamed congeneric species. Herein, we redescribe A. minuta based on recently collected specimens from the type locality, designate a lectotype, formulate a new diagnosis, provide patterns of morphological variation, measure-ments and body proportions. Copyright © 2018 Magnolia Press.
metadata.dc.identifier.doi: 10.11646/zootaxa.4482.3.4
Appears in Collections:Artigos

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