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Title: Genetic diversity and mating system of bracatinga (Mimosa scabrella) in a re-emergent agroforestry system in southern Brazil
Authors: Moreira, Priscila Ambrósio
Steenbock, Walter
Peroni, Nivaldo
Reis, Maurício Sedrez dos
Keywords: Agroforestry
Coniferous Forest
Conservation Genetics
Genetic Drift
Genetic Structure
Genetic Variation
Habitat Management
Human Activity
Reproductive Strategy
Seed Bank
Species Conservations
Araucaria Angustifolia
Mimosa Scabrella
Issue Date: 2011
metadata.dc.publisher.journal: Agroforestry Systems
metadata.dc.relation.ispartof: Volume 83, Número 2, Pags. 245-256
Abstract: Bracatinga (Mimosa scabrella) is a legume tree species common in the early stages of succession in Araucaria angustifolia forests in southern Brazil. Bracatinga can form high-density monospecific stands called bracatingais. Its traditional management for charcoal production involves maintenance of the seed bank. Our objective was to analyze the genetic diversity and structure of bracatingais to understand the mechanisms by which intraspecific diversity of M. scabrella is created and maintained in landscapes managed by family farmers in their agroforestry mosaics. We analyzed 14 bracatingais using 8 allozyme loci. We compared parental and progeny generation indices (7 loci) and described the mating system (9 loci) of two progenies. Overall diversity was high: A = 2. 69, Ho = 0. 257, He = 0. 382 and similar between populations. Overall fixation (F = 0. 364) was similar to the fixation index (f = 0. 329). The genetic divergence among populations was low (Θp = 0. 052) but significant. The progenies' genetic diversity values were similar to those of the previous generation (He pop11 = 0. 342 vs. 0. 420/He pop10 = 0. 432 vs. 0. 400). Progenies were compatible with half-sib and full-sib crossing expectations (θxy = 0. 204 and 0. 194). Our data showed that there is a tendency for genetic structuring caused not only by the reproductive system but also by genetic drift. It is very likely that the high genetic diversity is amplified by internal migration within each bracatingal. This study showed that current landscape management can contribute to maintaining high levels of bracatinga genetic diversity, which contributes to its regional conservation. © 2011 Springer Science+Business Media B.V.
metadata.dc.identifier.doi: 10.1007/s10457-011-9428-x
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