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Title: The distributions of larval and juvenile fishes in Amazonian rivers of different nutrient status
Authors: Lima, Álvaro Carvalho de
Araújo-Lima, Carlos Alberto Rego Monteiro
Keywords: Fish
Nutrient Availability
Population Distribution
Amazon Basin
South America
Brycon Cephalus
Colossoma Macropomum
Mylossoma Aureum
Mylossoma Duriventre
Prochilodus Nigricans
Semaprochilodus Taeniurus
Issue Date: 2004
metadata.dc.publisher.journal: Freshwater Biology
metadata.dc.relation.ispartof: Volume 49, Número 6, Pags. 787-800
Abstract: 1. Previous work has indicated, at least in two river systems, that some Characiformes species migrate from nutrient-poor rivers to spawn in nutrient-rich rivers. In the present work, larval and juvenile fish were surveyed to index spawning activity in order to determine whether this spawning pattern is repeated in nine major tributaries of the Amazon basin. 2. Adult Mylossoma aureum, M. duriventre, Colossoma macropomum, Anodus elongatus, Triportheus elongatus, Brycon cephalus, Semaprochilodus insignis, S. taeniurus and Prochilodus nigricans were recorded in nutrient-poor and nutrient-rich rivers. However, larval and juvenile individuals of these species were found in nutrient-rich rivers only, indicating that spawning activity was restricted to that river type. 3. Concentration of suspended solids in the river was correlated with total ichthyoplankton density and related to species composition of juvenile characiform assemblages. 4. Our findings reinforce the hypothesis that nutrient-rich rivers and associated floodplains function as spawning and nursery grounds, and suggest that they function as source habitats for these species in the Amazon Basin.
metadata.dc.identifier.doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2427.2004.01228.x
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