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Title: Microsatellite markers for Ceiba pentandra (Bombacaceae), an endangered tree species of the Amazon forest
Authors: Brondani, Rosana Pereira Vianello
Gaiotto, Fernanda Amato
Missiaggia, Alexandre Alves
Kirst, Matias
Gribel, Rogério
Grattapaglia, Dario
Keywords: Ceiba
Ceiba Pentandra
Issue Date: 2003
metadata.dc.publisher.journal: Molecular Ecology Notes
metadata.dc.relation.ispartof: Volume 3, Número 2, Pags. 177-179
Abstract: From a genomic library enriched for AG/TC repeats, eight polymorphic microsatellite markers were developed for Ceiba pentandra, a pan-tropical forest tree. Polymorphism was evaluated using a panel of 74 adult trees. Using automated fluorescence detection, a total of 112 alleles was detected with an average of 14 alleles per locus. All microsatellite loci showed very high levels of genetic information content, with expected heterozygosity ranging from 0.814 to 0.895. These microsatellite markers represent a powerful tool to investigate refined questions of mating systems, gene flow, family structure and population dynamics in natural populations of C. pentandra.
metadata.dc.identifier.doi: 10.1046/j.1471-8286.2003.00389.x
Appears in Collections:Artigos

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