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Title: Xylophagous macro-invertebrate and fungi associations in contrasting Amazonian ecosystems: The millipede viewpoint
Authors: Vohland, Katrin
Jesus, Maria Aparecida de
Martius, Christopher
Adis, Joachim U.
Issue Date: 2001
metadata.dc.publisher.journal: International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences
metadata.dc.relation.ispartof: Volume 27, Número 2, Pags. 71-79
Abstract: The decomposer communities of macro-invertebrates in dead wood were investigated on sites in the whitewater inundation and on upland forests, in order to explain niche segregation in xylophagous millipedes in contrasting habitats. Several wood and habitat parameters as well as the fungi and macro-invertebrates inhabiting logs were analysed. The most important factor determining the occurrence of the aphelidesmid millipedes seemed to be the density of the wood in relation to the nutrients. Whereas wood from whitewater inundation forests is generally softer, in terra firme logs most of the nutrients are gone when the wood is as soft to allow its ingestion by millipedes. © International Scientific Publications.
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