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Title: The unknown larva of the burrowing water beetle genus Liocanthydrus Guignot, 1957 (Coleoptera: Noteridae)
Authors: Urcola, Juan Ignacio
Benetti, Cesar João
Alarie, Yves
Michat, Mariano Cruz
Keywords: Adephaga
Neotropical region
Issue Date: 2020
metadata.dc.publisher.journal: Journal of Natural History
metadata.dc.relation.ispartof: Volume 54, Número 35-36, págs. 2285-2296
Abstract: The instar III larva of Liocanthydrus clayae (J. Balfour-Browne, 1969) is described and illustrated, including morphometric and chaetotaxic analyses of the cephalic capsule, head appendages, legs, last abdominal segment, and urogomphus. Larvae of Liocanthydrus Guignot, 1957, can be readily separated from other known noterid larvae by the presence of two short posterodorsal projections on the last abdominal segment. Regarding chaetotaxy, Liocanthydrus differs from Suphis Aubé, 1836, Hydrocanthus Say, 1823 and Suphisellus Crotch, 1873 in the position of seta AN7, the shape of seta CO13, the shape and length of setae FE6 and TI7, and the length of seta UR8.
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