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Título: Highly divergent herpesviruses in threatened river dolphins from Brazil
Autor: Novoselecki, Helena Exposto
Dias, José Luiz Catão
Ewbank, Ana Carolina
Navas Suárez, Pedro Enrique
Benvenuto, Aricia Duarte
Lial, Henrique Christino
Silva, Samira Costa
Sánchez Sarmiento, Angélica María
Gravena, Waleska
Silva, Vera Maria Ferreira da
Carvalho, Vitor L.
Marmontel, Miriam
Bertozzi, Carolina P.
Ribeiro, Vanessa Lanes
Valle, Rodrigo del Rio do
Marigo, Juliana
Neves, Carlos G. das
Esperón, Fernando
Sacristán, Carlos
Data do documento: 2021
Revista: Scientific Reports
É parte de: Número: 24528
Abstract: River dolphins are a highly threatened polyphyletic group comprised of four odontocete families: Iniidae, Pontoporiidae, Lipotidae, and Platanistidae, the first two endemic to South America. To address the knowledge gap regarding infectious agents in this cetacean group, we surveyed the presence of herpesviruses by PCR in skin and/or blood samples of live-captured Amazon (Inia geoffrensis, n = 25) and Bolivian (Inia boliviensis, n = 22) river dolphins of the Amazon basin and in selected tissue samples of franciscanas (Pontoporia blainvillei, n = 27) stranded or bycaught in southeastern Brazil. Additionally, available franciscana tissue samples were examined by histopathology. Herpesvirus DNA was amplified in 13 Bolivian river dolphins (59.1%, 95% CI 38.5–79.6%) and 14 franciscanas (51.9%, 95% CI 33.0–70.7%). All Amazon river dolphins were herpesvirus-negative. Two different herpesviruses were found in Bolivian river dolphins: a previously known gammaherpesvirus detected in blood and/or skin samples of all positive individuals and a novel alphaherpesvirus in the skin of one animal. A new gammaherpesvirus was found in several franciscana samples—the first herpesvirus recorded in Pontoporiidae. Intranuclear inclusion bodies consistent with herpesvirus were observed in the lymph node of one franciscana. The high divergence among the obtained herpesviruses and those previously described can be explained by viral-host coevolution, and by the fact that these populations are fairly isolated.
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