Fascículo 3, Ano 1984 Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 14 of 14
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1984A new species of Ribautiella (Myriapoda, Symphyh, Scolopkndrellidae) from an Amazonian black-water inundation forest and notes on its natural liistory and ecologyScheller, Ulf; Adis, Joachim
1984The Parasitic Crustaceans of Fishes from the Brazilian Amazon, 12 , Ergasilus hydrolycus n. sp. (Copepoda : Poecilostomatoida) from Hydrolycus scomberoides (CUVIER)Thatcher, Vernon E.; Walter, A.; Robertson, Barbara A.; Boeger
1984Aspectos da Biologia de Tocantinsia depressa (Silunformes, Auchenipteridae)Carvalho, Francisco Martilho; Rezende, Emilio Kawakami de
1984Studies on Neo tropical Veliidae (Hemiptera) VII. Descriptions of four new species of Paravelia BREDDINPolhemus, John T .; Polhemus, Dan A .
1984A Ictiofauna da Represa Hidrelétrica de Curuá-Una, Santarém, Pará I - Lista e Distribuição das EspéciesFerreira, Efrem Jorge Gondim
1984Mogliche Wanderwege und Phylogenie der sudamerikanischen Iniidae (Cetacea, Mammalia)Grabert, Hellmut
1984Les premiers Stemmiulides signales au Bresil : Trois especes nouvelles de la region de Manaus, dont une de la foret inondable ( Prostemmiulus adisi n . sp.) (Myriapoda : Diplopoda : Stemmiulida)Mauries, Jean - Paul
1984Notodiaptomus paraensis n. sp. , a new diaptomid (Crustacea, Copepoda) from the Brazilian AmazonDussart, B .; Robertson, B .
1984Age determination by sclerite numbers, and scale variations in six fish species from the Central Amazor) (Osteichthyes, Characoidei)Werder, Ulrich; Soares, Gercilia M .
1984The parasitic Crustaceans of fishes from the Brazilian Amazon, 13, Gamidactylus jaraquensis gen. et sp. nov. (Copepoda: Poecilostomatoida: Vaigamidae) from the nasal fossae of seApro chilodus insignis (S CHOMBURGK)Thatcher, Vernon E .; Boeger, Walter A .
1984Erratum AMAZONIANA VIII (2) , 281 - 296 , 1983 ; Relationships among catchès, fisung effort and river morphology for eight riveh in Amazonas State (Brazil), during 1976 - 1978Petrere, Miguel Jr .
1984Erratum AMAZONIANA VIII (4) , 445 - 464 , 1983 ; Age determination by scale analysis in juvenile Matrincha (Brycon cf ,melanopterus MULLER & TROSCHEJ , Teleostei : Characoidei) a tropical characin from the Central AmazonWender, Ulrich
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 14 of 14