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Title: The mystery of the Marajoara : An ecological solution
Authors: Meggers, B. J.
Keywords: Ilha de Marajó
Issue Date: 2001
metadata.dc.publisher.journal: Amazoniana
metadata.dc.relation.ispartof: Volume 16, fascículo 3/4,2001, página 421-440
Abstract: For more than a century, the beautiful pottery from artificial mounds on the island of Marajó at the mouth of the Amazon has found its way into museums and private collections in Europe and North America, as well as Brazil.
metadata.dc.description.resumo: Durante mais de um século, a cerâmica formosa de colinas artificiais da Ilha de Marajó na embocadura do Amazonas tem chegado aos museus e coleções particulares na Europa, América do Norte, e também no Brasil.
Appears in Collections:Fascículo 3/4 , Ano 2001

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