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Title: Freshwater sponges as indicators of floodplain lake environments and of river rocky bottoms in Central Amazonia
Authors: Batista, T. C. A.
Ribeiro, C. Volkrner
Danvich, A.
Alves, L. F.
Keywords: Rio Araguaia
Issue Date: 2003
metadata.dc.publisher.journal: Amazoniana
metadata.dc.relation.ispartof: Volume 17, fascículo 3/4,2003, página 525-549
Abstract: Two complementary surveys were carried out in the same area of the Araguaia River Basin, Central Amazonia, Brazil: one of sponges in the low water, the other of the water quality in the dry and the high water.
metadata.dc.description.resumo: Dois levantamentos complementares foram realizados numa mesma área da bacia do rio Araguaia, Amazònia Central, Brasil: um de esponjas na estação da seca e o outro da qualidade da água nas estaçòes de seca e cheia.
Appears in Collections:Fascículo 3/4 , Ano 2003

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